From the Principal
Attitudes to Schooling Survey
Every year all Year 4 – 6 students complete an ‘Attitudes to Schooling Survey’. This survey
is completed online and enables students to reflect on their experiences at school. Our results are always excellent; however, we are always looking at ways to improve these results even further.
We are still unpacking a lot of the data we received but we would like to share with you some of the initial results:
Effective Teaching Practice for Cognitive Engagement | % Positive responses |
Effective Teaching Time | 90% |
My teachers tells us what we are learning and why | 94% |
My teacher asks questions to check what we understand | 90% |
My teacher asks me questions that challenge my thinking | 88% |
My teacher explains difficult things clearly / My teacher helps me understand things | 88% |
Differentiated learning challenge | 91% |
My teacher understands how I learn | 85% |
My teacher gives extra help when students need it | 93% |
My teacher helps me to do my best | 94% |
My teacher gives extra help when students need it | 95% |
Effective Classroom behaviour | 85% |
My teacher expects students to pay attention | 98% |
My teacher sets clear rules for classroom behaviour | 99% |
Teacher – Student Relations | % Positive responses |
High expectations for sucess | 96% |
My teacher expects me to do my best | 98% |
My teacher believes I can do well at school | 94% |
I usually pay attention in class | 90% |
My teacher expects nothing less than our full effort | 93% |
My teacher cares about how I am feeling / My teacher looks after me | 87% |
Learner Characteristics and Disposition | % Positive responses |
Learning confidence | 85% |
I am good at learning | 85% |
I try again when I don’t succeed | 89% |
I want to learn new things | 90% |
Self regulation and goal setting | 87% |
I try very hard at school / I try my best at school | 88% |
I ask my teacher for help when I find my work difficult | 86% |
I always try to attend school | 93% |
My parents believe that going to school is important | 93% |
Social Engagement | % Positive responses |
School Connectedness | 85% |
I like this school | 92% |
I am happy to be at this school | 93% |
I feel like I belong at this school | 86% |
Sense of inclusion | 93% |
I have lots of chances to be part of class activities | 93% |
I have friends at this school | 98% |
My teacher makes me feel like I matter | 86% |
My teacher makes sure all students feel included | 95% |
My teachers gave me enough help to settle in at this school | 100% |
Student Safety | % Positive responses |
At this school, there is a teacher or another adult who cares about me | 88% |
There is a teacher or another adult at this school who believes that I can be successful | 87% |
At this school, there is a teacher or another adult who listens to me when I have something to say | 91% |
I know where to get help if I feel bullied / I know where to get help if someone hurts me or I feel upset | 87% |
There is a teacher or another adult at this school who tells me when I do a good job | 92% |
It is okay to be different at this school | 86% |
These are excellent results, and we will continue to strive to improve to ensure Camelot Rise PS provides the best learning environment for all our students.
Student Reports and Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
Thursday June 27th 3.40pm - 5.30pm & 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Camelot Rise Primary School is a traditional educational setting with modern approaches: our instructional models reflect the significant technological developments and societal changes over the years. In the past education was delivered through recitation and
memorisation techniques, whereas the modern way of doing things involves more interactive methods, including developing critical thinking, problem solving and decision-making opportunities. Twenty-first-century schooling encourages students to collaborate, be more involved in their own learning, and therefore be more productive.
At CRPS we continue to make considered efforts to improve the way that we work with our students and their parents to improve each student’s learning.
In an approach that reflects the intention of our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) we create opportunities for students to be actively involved in their learning, as well as the assessment of their progress. In Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at CRPS, teachers collaboratively map each student’s learning against the achievement standards, and individually place each student on the learning continuum, to best reflect the student’s level of performance and progress.
Along with developing student voice and agency, assessment and reporting are vital processes which provide information about what students know and can do, and makes recommendations for future learning. Teachers collect, record and analyse information about student learning on a daily basis and use this information to (i) identify a student's learning strengths, their challenges and their next steps; (ii) plan programs building on the prior knowledge and learning that a student brings to school; and (iii) informthe child, parents and other teachers about the student's learning.
Building on Meet the Teacher Interviews from Term 1, this outline gives you an idea of the ways that we will report to you as parents about your child(ren)’s achievement for the remainder of 2024:
- Individual Written Reports: at both the end of Semester 1 and the end of Term 4 you will receive a published report that provides a succinct written summary of your child/ren’s progress as well as a measurement of the core curriculum areas on a 5-point scale. This learning continuum is organised by levels and not necessarily year levels of schooling, as students' progress along the continuum at their own rate and from their own starting point, and are taught at the level appropriate to their needs.
- Seesaw: teachers provide parents with regular Seesaw posts which show the learning that has occurred in the classroom. These posts are timely and are sent when the student has just finalised a piece of work so parents have up-to-date, real-time feedback on the work that has been completed.
As our teachers are formally reflecting on your child’s achievements during the first 6 months of this year within the Semester 1 reports, it is worth remembering that all students (regardless of year level) are individuals and develop physically, emotionally, and academically at different rates. As educators it is our role to provide students with every opportunity to help them achieve their goals and reach their potential. This will vary from child to child, and is why we see our students as individuals, rather than students who we can compare against other students.
I know parents appreciate the many hours of work that go into these reports. Teachers review their assessments and moderate within their teams to ensure that each student’s report is as up-to-date and accurate as possible. Each report includes areas of achievement as well as future learning goals. These goals will be worked on in Semester 2.
Our student reports will be ‘live’ on Compass on Friday, 21st June from 3.30pm. Our Student / Parent / Teacher interviews will be held on Thursday, 27th June between 3.40pm – 8.00pm.
Information about booking interviews will be communicated with families via Compass soon.
Parents will have the option to either attend ‘in person’ or ‘online’. The Compass communication will contain the individual links to the teacher’s Webex accounts for parents that request an ‘online interview’.
Camelot Rise Primary School Olympics Day
We are thrilled to be organising a special Camelot Rise Olympics Day on Thursday, 25th July.
This is a whole school event, and students will be allocated into one of five teams. These teams will be in the colours of the Olympic Rings: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Black.
Students will participate in many ‘Olympics’ events, complete an Art and French activity all linked to the Olympic Games.
More information about this event will be posted on Compass.
Thanks to Mr Stillman for leading and coordinating this event.
What is the meaning of the Olympic rings?
The Olympic symbol consists of five interlaced rings of equal dimensions, used alone, in one or in five different colours, which are, from left to right, blue, yellow, black, green and red. The Olympic symbol (the Olympic rings) expresses the activity of the Olympic Movement and represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games.
End of Term 3 Dismissal: Friday 28th June at 2:30pm
End of term
Timetable for the last day of Term Two, Friday, 28th June
Friday, 28th June is the last day of term and the timetable for the day will be slightly different.
9.00am – 10.40am Students in class
10.40am – 11.10am Recess
11.10am – 12.50pm Students in class
12.50pm – 1.00pm Students eat lunch in class
1.00pm – 1.50pm Lunch play
1.50pm – 2.30pm Students in class
2.30pm Students dismissed from their classrooms.
Our Camp Australia, Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program commences at 2.30pm on the last day of term.
Raising Children Network - The Austalian Parenting Website
We just wanted to take the opportunity to inform you all about the Raising Children Network. This website provides parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts. The Raising Children Network is designed for busy families and full of tips and tricks for you to try, the content is easy to find and easy to digest.
Please click on the link below to access all the free content. It has been very useful for our own families.
Happy holidays
On behalf of all the staff we would like to wish all students and families a wonderful holiday. It has been a great Term Two at Camelot Rise Primary School, and we look forward to this continuing in Term Three.
We welcome the community using our facilities during the holiday break as it is great
seeing children and families being active and playing outdoors, however, if you see anyone acting suspiciously or inappropriately around the school grounds please contact the Glen Waverly Police Station 9566 1555 or contact 000.
We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday, 15th July.
Matthew Coney & Ben Heys