Grade 2
Grade 2
Term 2 for Year 2 students has been a blast at Grayling Primary School… Here is what we have been up to!
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about lots of different digraphs, suffix words and prefix words. We look specifically at trigraphs, which we described as three letters that make sound. During the week, we looked at the trigraphs air, are & ear and all the different words that contain these sounds. During our fluency and comprehension lessons, we have been developing our comprehension strategies to help us understand what we are reading. We practiced visualising and asking questions about the texts we were reading.
We finished our work on fractions and used our mathematical knowledge to make yummy pizza. We have just started learning about data and are investigating different questions about our classmates. We will continue this topic for the next few days, then towards the end of the term, we are going to review all of the topics we have learned so far.
We have continued our work on procedure texts. This week we have learned to make magic potions. Some of us wrote about potions that turn you into vampires, soccer players or superheroes. Next week we'll be making and writing about fairy bread.
This week in Wellbeing we have been learning to interact safely and kindly when playing games with our peers. We looked at how to cooperate and work as a team to achieve a common goal. One of the games was so fun! We had to pass and spoon full of water to each of or teammates without spilling it. It was a bit messy and made everyone cold.