Grade 1
In Literacy, students have continued learning about two-syllable words that have the suffix ‘er’ at the end. The Grade 1’s have been introduced to the bossy ‘e’ that changes the short vowel to a long vowel in a word. Students have engaged in multiple activities to extend their knowledge of this. This includes the new Bossy ‘e’ Rap that we have been learning!
Storybook and Writing
This week in Storybook, we have read the story of “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” and delved into the meaning of the words: devoured, scrumptious and ingenious. The story tells of a man who looks after a lighthouse, and everyday his wife sends his lunch on a wire that runs from the house all the way to the lighthouse. But one day, the pesky seagulls catch on to the lunch in the basket and start eating it before it can reach the lighthouse. Mr and Mrs Grinling have to devise a plan to stop the seagulls. Be sure to ask your child what happens next in the story and what their ingenious plan would be to stop the seagulls! Based on this book, students have been working on adjectives and writing what they believe they’d be able to see from the top of a lighthouse - smooth rocks, sparkling water, mighty waves.
This week we have been learning all about Mass & hefting. Students have been holding different items from around their classrooms and working on using the vocabulary of light, lighter, lightest, heavy, heavier, heaviest.
Year 1 students learnt about the importance of Reconciliation Week. The theme for this year was Now More Than Ever. This week was a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will and must continue. Students spent time discussing their commitments before completing a colouring activity.