From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~

Dear Families,


Last week I had the pleasure of joining the Grade 5/6 students and staff on camp down at Phillip Island much to the disappointment of our Deputy Michelle Hinds who was struck down with COVID. Camps are such a wonderful opportunity to observe our students completing a range of activities that we cannot offer them at school and we learn so much more about who they are, their likes and dislikes as well as their fears. So many of the students faced some of those fears as they encountered the giant swing, the flying fox and the circatron. Many of them inspiring the staff, including myself, to participate and challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zone.


Our trip to the island started with the pelican feeding at San Remo. Whilst the pelican numbers were really low, only two came to visit, the students were delighted to see a group of stingrays playing and feeding in the shallows. Our i sea i care ambassadors had a great opportunity to observe why the work they are doing in our school as environmental leaders is so important - look out for more information regarding World Ocean Day over the next week!


My highlight was our trip to the Penguin Parade. So many of the students had not experienced this before and the delight and excitement was evident as they didn't have to wait to long for the Little Penguins to appear on the beach. 


Whilst a camp takes so much time and organisation, and requires our staff to go above and beyond, it is something we will continue to offer for as long as we possibly can as the feedback from parents and students has been so positive.


I would like to say a huge thank you to Michelle Hinds for leading the organisation of what was a fabulous camp and to all of the staff who attended to make this possible for the children - Rosina Chandra (who stepped up as camp leader), Caitlin Hall, Samantha Baillie, Andrew Orchard, Danielle Phillips, Carlos Sanchez, Denise Bratsos, Fiona Stuart Doherty and Coreen Grimwood. Thank you also to those who navigated the staff shortages back at school, your efforts are also appreciated.



Catholic Education Week

On Friday of last week, I attended the Catholic Education Week Leadership Mass and Awards Ceremony with Rosie Osthmuller, our Learning Adjustment Leader, and Trish Lloyd, our Wellbeing and Mental Health Leader. It was a wonderful celebration of our Catholic schools and I hope you join me in congratulating Rosie and Trish who were presented with awards for over 25 years of service to Catholic Education.

Please take some time to watch the message from our Director, Paul Velten, as he shares how our schools are 'making all things new'.


Our students have also spent time reflecting on why they love their Catholic School - enjoy the video that they have made!


 Student Wellbeing Education Support

The staff at St Therese's have been joined by Mrs Vanessa Fuller as our Student Wellbeing Education Support. Vanessa has joined the wellbeing team providing support to students who are experiencing social and emotional difficulties. Some parents have already had a conversation with Vanessa and their children have already started working with her.


We have a clear process in place to identify students who may benefit from working with Vanessa, either in a small group or one to one. If you feel your child is experiencing difficulties socially or emotionally, please ensure their class teacher is the first person that you reach out to and have a conversation with.


I know the staff and students have made Vanessa feel very welcome at the school and we look forward to her working closely with the wellbeing team to support our children.


Felicity Broughton
