Learning & Teaching 

Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.

Learning and Teaching - Vira Pirrotta

What is Neurodiversity?

Understanding neurodiversity is crucial as it allows us to embrace alternative thinking styles such as Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Autism and ADHD. Regardless of labels, neurodiversity is about recognising those who think differently. This understanding can benefit any educational setting, be it a school, university or organisation, by fostering inclusivity and creating more diverse and innovative learning environments.


Approximately 15-20% of the population has a neurological difference. When we use neurodiversity instead of labelling people with deficits or disorders, we embrace these individuals' unique strengths and perspectives. This balanced view can lead to a more inclusive and innovative society. This approach moves beyond labels such as autism, dyslexia or ADHD and recognises that differences in ability are natural in the human genome and can contain unique gifts and contributions. The human brain has a broad spectrum of functions, and differences should acknowledged as another way of being or doing things. 

Did you know?

  • No two people are the same, so we will all have different profiles
  • Although we talk about specific neuro-differences such as Autism and Dyslexia, the reality is that these can co-occur
  • Every neurodivergent individual has a unique pattern of strengths and challenges
  • We tend to operate on an approach to diagnosis and labels, which can mean that quite often, the focus is on the challenges rather than the many strengths and talents of neurodivergent individuals
  • We must take a person-centred approach by tailoring strategies to each individual
  • It is essential to harness the strengths and talents of neurodivergent individuals; this helps build confidence and self-esteem and ensures individuals flourish daily. 

Stay tuned! Next week, we will delve deeper into the fascinating world of ADHD, providing valuable insights and strategies. 



LITERACY NEWS - Bernadette Parnis

Recount writing 

Recounts come in many different forms. Some common recount types include:

  • diaries
  • biographies 
  • autobiographies
  • letters
  • historical reports
  • newspaper reports
  • witness statements.

This term, the Year 3 and Year 4 students will be focusing on recount writing, particularly, biographies.


What is a biography?

A biography is an account of someone’s life written by someone else. Generally speaking biographies are nonfiction. They provide an account of the person’s life from the earliest days of their childhood to the present day or their death. The job of a biography is more than just to outline the facts of a person’s life such as the basic details of their upbringing, hobbies, education, work, relationships, and death. Rather it should paint a picture of their life, their personality and experience of life.


The students will learn research skills to assist them with gathering relevant information such as important dates, facts and events from reputable resources. They will need to select the most suitable information and then organise it into a chronological order to create an interesting biographical text. 


I look forward to reading and then sharing some of the writing produced this term with you. 


Bernadette Parnis 

FAMILY ENGAGEMENT - Leanne Wenckowski

Storytime at St Fidelis

Each Monday afternoon during the school term, you are invited to Storytime. Come and listen to a story, enjoy completing a craft activity and have a play with some friends. Toddlers and pre-schoolers welcome. Please enter via the Saunders Street gate.  Parents/carers are required to stay for the Storytime session. For further details please contact me via my email lwenckowski@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au


RSVP: Please email me if you are attending so I can prepare resources etc.


Leanne Wenckowski

Family Engagement Leader

SPORT NEWS - Michael Jennings

SSV Coburg District Cross Country Championships 2024

St Fidelis Primary School will be entering a cross country team consisting of selected students from Years 3-6 students for the forthcoming SSV Coburg District Cross Country Championships to be held on Wednesday 15 May at Jackson reserve (Coburg Athletics Track. We wish our representatives all the best for this event.


SSV Interschool Sport Competition

The St Fidelis Year 5/6 Interschool Sport Teams competed in Round 2 of the SSV Coburg District competition playing football, soccer & netball matches against Newlands PS. 

Congratulations to all participants on another successful day of displaying good sportsmanship, enthusiasm and team effort.



St Fidelis 84 defeated Newlands 31

Boys/Mixed Soccer

St Fidelis 0 was defeated by Newlands 7

Girls Soccer

St Fidelis 4 defeated Newlands 1

Boys/Mixed Netball

St Fidelis 5 was defeated by Newlands 8

Girls Netball

St Fidelis 18 defeated Newlands 1

STEM NEWS - Joe Frazzetto

At STEM class last week, the Foundation students were introduced to a new form of technology called Augmented Reality (AR). What is AR technology you ask?


It is a type of technology that allows digital images and information to be displayed on the physical environment.


Basically, this means that, when you look through the camera of a phone or tablet, a 3D model will appear as if it's in the real world. The addition of this computer-generated content enhances and changes a user's view of reality.


The Foundation students used a tool called a MERGE CUBE and an Ipad, to find out and explore this new form of AR technology allowing them to be engage, interact and merge with technology. 


The Merge Cube lets us hold digital 3D objects, enabling an entirely new way to learn and interact with the digital world. The students were amazed and exploring new ways to find out information about the world around them. They were in wonder and awe! 


Here are photos of the Foundation students collaborating and merging with their new AR Technology and what they discovered.

ITALIAN NEWS - Rosa Fokianos


Salve! (Hello!) 


Hope tutte le mamme, nonne, zie and special females in your children’s lives had a lovely Festa Della Mamma, (Mother’s Day) ieri (yesterday). I certainly had una bellissima giornata con la mia famiglia. 🌷 You may have even been given something that your child made during Italiano last week. 😀

Leonardo da Vinci - LUME experience


Last giovedì 9 maggio (Thursday 9th May) - Grade 5/6 went to the LUME gallery, at South Wharf, to see the Leonardo da Vinci experience as part of their Italian cultural learning in Italian this term. All the 3 grades were accompanied by Mr Frazzetto, Mr Jennings, myself, Sophie, (ESO) and 6 grade 5/6 parent helpers, (Daniela, Cathy, Rose, Tash, Joanne and Paschaline - of which I’m very grateful for all their assistance during the excursion).


As soon as we entered the exhibition, the children were immersed in sound, visuals, and interactive model machinery, (on loan from Italy). It was truly an amazing experience from such a genius. The children were well behaved and amazed at how many things Leonardo da Vinci was responsible for in one way or another, including the Mona Lisa (known as La Gioconda in Italian), the Last Supper, (known as Il Cenacolo Vinciano in Italian), and numerous drawings inspired by nature, including flying machines, gliders and military equipment, to name a few.


Numerous photos were taken during the experience, of which I would like to share some with you today and more next week. See below… 

Next week I would also like to include some personal reports and Leonardo da Vinci facts from the children as well.


So until next time…buona settimana! (Have a good week).


Signora Rosa 🌹