Year 6 News

AAMI Stadium

From Isaac, Year 6 Teacher 

Student Writing by Inara, Year 6A

My Experience from the Melbourne Victory Game


When we arrived to AAMI park we were picked up by 2 girls who worked for Melbourne Victory. We went into a building and they told our what was going to happen. We were then separated off into two groups that were sorted into height order. We were then given uniforms to wear. Once we walked back into the room it was time to put on our game day attire, listen and get ready for the big exciting experience. We were told not to talk to the players unless they spoke to us and then it was time to go off into our teams.


One by one the different staff and officials made their way up the race until it was time for the players, and us! The music was loud and the crowd was cheering. It was time to go out! We held the players hands and walked out, it was amazing!

Afterwards we walked out we then go picked up by our parents and got to watch the whole game.


Overall it was a fantastic experience!