Year 4 News

From Georgie, Year 4 teacher

Open Classrooms - marshmallows, tangrams and cards

Year 4 celebrated Education Week by inviting families into our classrooms to see what we have been doing. We really enjoyed seeing so many people attend this event. Thank you to all of the parents that made the time to come and see our classrooms. 


Report by Clara and Emma, Year 4

Open classrooms!

If you don’t know why we're talking about them, then listen up. So step by step, our parents came in to see our beautiful, magnificent work. We also did 3 different activities about shapes so our parents can see how we have improved over time. We were all so excited and jumped right into the tasks.


Activity number 1- marshmallows

We all got 8 marshmallows, and 12 skewers to build some 3D shapes. It was a lot of fun and our parents also tuned in to help us. When we finished our shapes we took photos of our magnificent shapes. After 10 minutes of hard work and endless shape making, we moved to the next activity.


Activity number 2 - tangrams

On this task, we have to go on our iPads and show as many everyday shapes like cats, humans, fish and boats. There are many more we could create, but those were just some. It was tough making them because we had to use these shapes: triangles, squares, hexagons and a few more. Times ticking as everyone including caretakers rushed to finish, the pressure was on. Ring! “NO” we all screamed as this was an extremely hard task, but we all enjoyed it in the end. 


Activity number 3 - Pattern Block Task Cards

This activity was probably the hardest of all. We had to use our pattern blocks to make bigger versions of a simple shape for example: 4 tiny squares make 1 big square. But more complex. This was the last activity and everyone was tired, most people were ready to go home. But that didn’t stop us, we all tried to push through. When the timer went off we were also relieved to hear that ring sound.


I’m pretty sure that I speak for everyone when I say we all had a bunch of fun showing off all of our amazing skills to our parents.