Year 2 News

From Emma, Year 2 teacher

Open Classrooms

We transformed our classrooms into exciting hubs of innovation during our Open Classroom event! We welcomed Year 2 families for an afternoon of exploration with a STEM focus.


Students and their families showcased their creativity and problem-solving skills with playdough and some straws. Using their knowledge of 2D and 3D objects, the aim was to build the tallest tower. It was wonderful seeing everyone work together and showing off our learning.

Aurora Australis, reading and numeracy

We have been busy learning about the Natural Wonders of the World. The appearance of Aurora Australis inspired lots of wonderful discussion and was a great writing seed to inspire some imaginative and informative texts. We have also focused on our fluency in Reading this week. With a book at home, you might like to focus on accuracy, rate, expression and punctuation to improve fluent reading.


In numeracy, we began a new topic of Length, Perimeter and Area. A particular favourite activity was designing a chocolate bar with the area of 30 blocks. It was great to see students coming up with elaborate names for their chocolates and exploring the different combinations they could make while maintaining an area of 30 blocks.

Open Classroom
Open Classroom