
From Kale, Physical education teacher

District Cross Country Carnival

On Monday 20 May, 33 students from North Melbourne headed out to compete at the District Level Cross Country competition at Aberfeldie Parklands.


The weather was challenging with some rain and lots of mud but the students spirits were high. We set up at a great location near the river and right on the final turn to the finish line so we could cheer on our schoolmates and have a great view of the track. 


Everyone performed very well and we are so proud of the huge efforts made by our team to really push their limits. When they weren’t racing the team were very supportive and cheered everyone along the way and it led to a great atmosphere for the whole day.


With some very special performances, North Melbourne WON overall!


We thank all of you for participating and contributing to our win and we congratulate those that are going through to the next round. Well done and good luck!