Kitchen & Garden News

From Erin, Kristen R & Tess, SAKGP team 

Lemongrass tofu and coconut rice

This week the kitchen was alive with lots of action with students preparing lemongrass tofu and coconut rice. With an abundance of lemongrass growing in the garden, we were fortunate to be able to use it to show case some very delicious dishes.


Year 5 prepared their absorption rice by adding a few flavours such as lemongrass, kafir lime leaf and ginger to the pot, then waiting for the first signs of bubbles to indicate reducing the stove top to the lowest setting and adding a lid. Ten minutes was timed out very carefully and the result fluffy and fragrant rice that was quickly devoured alongside the aromatic marinated tofu. 


Students continually display their developing skills to use their knives safely and confidently, and appreciation of trying new foods.