Junior School

For the past two weeks we have been investigating hopscotches. We have practiced our counting in the classroom on the hopscotch and we were able to design and vote for our favourite hopscotch designs. We got to draw these outside for other students to enjoy as well!
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
The Year 1 class were excited to prepare something special for their Mums. They shared these thoughts:
I love you. Thanks for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control - Letty
Thank you for taking me to school every day - Arthur
Thank you for helping me to learn and doing craft with me - Ganeev
Thank you for making me cupcakes - Eleanor
Thank you for riding with me on my bike - Rupert
Thank you for your kindness - Enya
Thank you for hugs and doing stuff with me - Jemima
Thank you for the hugs and the love. I like playing games with you - Olivia
Thank you for loving me and I love you so much - Anugrah
Thank you for me. I like going to the shops with you and having cuddles - Charlotte
Thank you for praying with me at night time - James
Thank you for being the best mum. I love it when we work together in the garden - George
Thank you for the things you do for us - Jack
Thank you for praying with me at night - Yukai
Thank you for being the best mum - Zoe
Thank you for everything. I love you - Reggie
Thank you for making pancakes - Isaac
Thank you for having me and thank you that you are the best mum - Eseta
Thank you for loving me and playing with me and teaching me - Eli
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
In Year 2 last week, we put our addition and subtraction skills into action as students engaged in a Cinema Maths Investigation! Students dressed up in costumes, solved problems, served 'customers' and added money as they rotated through different stations based on real-life scenarios. Everyone had a blast, and were even treated to some popcorn at the end!
In Science, as we have explored our All Mixed Up unit, students have conducted experiments where they have combined different ingredients to explore how it has or hasn't changed and the reactions that it might have.
On Tuesday this week, we went on an excursion to the Warrnambool Community Garden. We were split into two groups then given a tour around the garden and learnt about sustainability. Students fed the chickens and planted some sweet peas and snow peas!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
Year 3 have been learning about 3D shapes and creating shapes from nets, toothpicks and blu tack!
We’ve also been learning about money and playing lots of games to consolidate our learning. Hands-on materials such as these have been proven to help significantly with understanding concepts!
We’ve also been enjoying some team games. Take a look at our crab walking!
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
This term Year 4 have been learning how to structure and write persuasive arguments. They have had many robust discussions on topics including: Should children recieve pocket money?, School uniforms should be banned, and Cats are better than Dogs. This week they wrote an essay titled Should Animals be kept in Zoos?.
Some reasons students gave in support of this argument included:
- Zoos protect animals from being hunted
- We wouldn't be able to see most Animals if it weren't for Zoos, as their natural environments often aren't in Australia
- Zoos help to ensure certain species don't become extinct
On the other side, students said things like:
- God didn't design Animals to live in Zoos back at creation
- Animals need space to roam and run
- Zoos teach animals to depend on humans for their survival - this isn't how they're designed to operate
Here are some photos of Year 4 students writing up their persuasive essays.
Emily Hunter
Year 4 Teacher
Year 5
Year 5 has done some great creative learning recently. In Maths we have been learning how to interpret 24 hour time. This has involved some fun games of racing to interpret the 24 hour time and make it on an analog clock, as well as lots of other activities.
We have enjoyed discovering all about physical and human geography in Humanities and researching the differences between Warrnambool and other areas. This has sparked some very thoughtful discussion and open ended conversations of how God has made us all unique and he has chosen us all to be here at this appointed time for a special purpose.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher