Early Learning

The Possum Group have continued exploring their interest in our wonderful world. Over the last few sessions we have been fascinated by England! Mrs Perry comes from England, and so does Dulcie’s Aunty Sarah. We were able to ask them some questions to learn more about England, like “what is that big Ferris Wheel?” and “what do they eat?” We learned the big wheel is called the London Eye because it helps people see the whole city, and that it’s very slow and very big. We learned that people in England like to eat mushy peas with their fish and chips!
At Kinder we learn through play, and exploring our world. Mac was thinking about Stonehenge and made a clay sculpture of it. This prompted discussions about how Stonehenge could have been built, and children tested their strength trying to lift some of our heaviest rocks in the river bed. Even a group of seven children couldn’t lift one huge rock! Children have been interested in the UK flag and several had a try of painting it. This was an effective way to practice drawing crosses and diagonal lines, both important pre-writing skills.
A highlight of our exploration of England was making some Scones and enjoying a very fancy Devonshire tea together! It was extra fun to do some of our baking with the Year 6 Food Tech class. The Possum Group all enjoy being able to learn from and with older students - they all chose to come to the school, which meant we needed to split groups and spend some time on the nature playground as well, or we wouldn’t have all fit!
We will continue learning about different countries and extending our knowledge of the world around us, as well as thinking about how we learn, and viewing ourselves as capable learners. Outcome 2 of the VEYLDF describes children being connected with and contributing to their world. Outcome 4 describes children learning with their peers, teaching others, and sharing their feelings and thoughts about learning.
Our curiosity about the world is fed by our wonder at God’s incredible creation. It is special to spend time with young children examining patterns on a log, and wondering what bug or fossil (children’s theories) may have caused them.
Beth Parker
Head of Early Learning
This week, the Koala three year-old group received a parcel in the mail. It came all the way from Poland, on the other side of the world! We wondered what it could be? In Circle Time we passed the parcel around and each examined it. We tested its weight, listened to it and shook it. Each child took their turn to suggest what was inside the parcel. Several thought it might contain a Dinosaur. Others thought it might be a Unicorn. Someone warned us it might be a Snake! We opened it together to find out.
We discovered it was a brightly-coloured stretchy band! What a wonderful surprise! Just what we needed to support our love of music and movement, while using our strong muscles (we are all about flexing our physical strength in the Koala Group!) Our current program aims to support this interest and to practise social and language skills through our love of music and movement. Everybody in the group joined in with the stretchy band as we learnt a new song together. We're looking forward to sharing lots more stretchy band songs and games together next week.
Sian Duggan
Early Learning Educator