College News

Principal's Update
Maker's Market
The King's College Maker's Market last Friday was a huge success, with a great turnout from the King's community. A big thank you to everyone who organised and supported this event. Here are some reflections from a few of the VCE VM students on the event:
It was an excellent opportunity to run the first ever Maker’s Market at King's. It was good to see how many people were included and how many people were interested in it. It was something we had been planning for a while and we spent a lot of our time doing this for our school. We had lots of people come in and we were hoping to raise money for the PTFA, which we were successful at. It was amazing to see how excited everyone was, and how excited all of the stallholders were. It was a great turnout and we hope to do another market around Christmas time.
Kayla J
It was a worthy experience being a part of the VCE VM Cafe because I have never done it before and it gave me experiences in doing a job in something else other than retail or working at Kmart.
Max W
The Maker's Market was a good day for people to come in and buy products from School students who were running their own stalls. The VM Class was in the Cafe selling hot drinks and slices which was a good way to make some money for the PTFA. In the end, the afternoon went well and people enjoyed themselves being able to look at all the different products for sale.
Lachlan D
Never Give Up Day
On Tuesday this week, we held Never Give Up Day, a fundraiser day organised by our Senior Student Leaders. This day is about raising awareness of the journey experienced by those diagnosed with cancer, such as our past student Naomi Philpot.
Students came to school wearing something purple and enjoyed face painting, a photo booth (photos below) and outdoor games at lunchtime. All funds raised from the day will be going to the Leila Rose Foundation, a Warrnambool-based foundation dedicated to assisting families of children affected by rare childhood cancer.
You can read more about Naomi and Never Give Up Day in The Standard.
Water for Ararat Christian School Uganda
As part of our Christian Mission of caring for those in need, King’s College has partnered with Ararat Christian Junior School in Uganda for seven years. This partnership has consisted of shared knowledge, school visits and fundraising projects. Specifically, King’s College parents, students and staff have assisted to connect electricity, provide computers, water tanks, toilet doors, food and teaching supplies.
Clean drinking water has been a daily challenge at the school. Once the rainwater tanks are empty, water must be purchased. The limited money available to purchase food for the orphans often must be redirected to purchase water.
Ararat Christian School has been trying to sink a well to solve the water supply issues. Last year the school invested money to sink a well but hit rock.
This month, another company was contracted to look for an underground water source. Given the previous disappointment, the new contractor was engaged on the basis that they would only be paid if they found water. The contractor sunk a 90ft well and struck water! On the first two days they pumped 700L and 1,300L. Sinking the well to 120ft will likely pump 6,000L to 10,000L per day.
It is amazing to see how God has provided a way just like he provided it to the Israelites from the rock.
The challenge now is that the contractors need to be paid and the well needs to be finished. This amounts to A$15,000. King's College has applied for an international project grant through Wannon Water and will continue to raise money through our different fundraising activities. However, given the size and urgency of the project we are asking the wider school community to consider supporting this exciting and vital project. Any gift large or small would be greatly appreciated by Ararat Christian School in Uganda.
If you wish to support this work, donations can be transferred directly to the King’s College Mission Account (BSB: 083957 Acc: 91 833 7520) or made directly at the Accounts Office. Thank you for considering this need.
Allister Rouse
School Photos - Friday 24th May
School Photos will be taking place on Friday 24th May. We encourage you to order your child's photos online prior to the day.
Visit this link and enter the code X3034EL52K to access the online ordering portal.
Alternatively, physical order envelopes can be provided upon request.
Uniform Shop
A reminder that navy cashmere-feel scarves are now available in the Uniform Shop for $15 each. Senior boys trousers are also available in a variety of sizes which you may like to purchase as a second pair. The Uniform Shop is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, as well as Monday and Tuesday afternoons. You can also contact for these items.
Student Drop Off
Parents are reminded that they are not to drop students at school before 8:25am, as there is no supervision provided for students until then.