General Information

General Office / Reception
Office Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am - 4:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 3:30pm
Telephone: 9887 2749
The General Office is always the first point of contact for parents/visitors/contractors when attending the school or making contact with staff or students during school hours.
All visitors to the school must sign into and out using the Compass touchscreen kiosk in the General Office. Appointments are recommended for teachers and can be made by email or telephone.
2024 Staff Contacts
At Warrandyte High School, we encourage our parents to make contact with their child’s WELL teacher (Year 7 and 8) or their child’s Explore teacher (Year 9-10) or their child's STRIVE teacher as their first point of contact. If you need to elevate your concern or query, please contact your child’s relevant Year Level Leader.
If you need to elevate your concern or query again, please contact your our Director of Student Services. If the issue or concern is still unresolved, please don’t hesitate to contact our Assistant Principal, Joseph Caruana or our Principal, Rachel Lynch.
Student absences
In line with the Government’s commitment to compulsory attendance, Warrandyte High School is required to ensure all absences are recorded pursuant to DET guidelines. It is the responsibility of a student’s parent/guardian to explain why their child is absent/late. This can be done using the parent portal on Compass, by written note, by phone call to the General Office or by face-to-face conversation with a staff member from the office. Given the convenience and security the Compass portal offers for this important part of college life, this is the preferred method.
If your child has missed a SAC or been away for more than a couple of days, then they will be required to supply a doctor's certificate and discuss this with their Year Level Coordinator.
Arriving Late to School
Students are expected to be at school at 8.50am. The first bell rings at 8.55am and classes begin at 9:00am. If you are aware your child will be late to school, parental approval should be submitted in the Compass portal, or by notifying the General Office.
To maximise learning time, students arriving late should head straight to their timetabled class where the classroom teacher will update the roll. Teachers will create a Late chronicle which will be used to monitor student punctuality. Parents will be able to see the chronicles in Compass, and can discuss with their child the importance of being on time to class.
Parents should continue to enter approvals for late arrivals where they are aware of the situation. Should a written note from a parent be provided with the student when they arrive, it should be brought to the General Office at recess or lunchtime and it will be entered in Compass.
Early Departure from School
If a student has an appointment and needs to leave early, parents should enter an approval in Compass and select the appropriate reason from the list of options stipulated by DET. The approval appears on the class roll to alert the classroom teacher, and the student will be excused from class when they ask to leave at the designated time. Students should then attend the General Office to be signed out. If a parent provides a written note on the day, this should be taken to the General Office before school or at recess, and it will be entered into Compass. Students will not be permitted to leave class without an approval entered in Compass.
If you need to collect your child unexpectedly, please contact the General Office and we will organise to have your child brought to the office ready for collection.
Year 12 study periods
Year 12 students coming to school for their study period in period 1 or remaining onsite for their period 5 study period must sign in at the Library.
Our uniform supplier is PSW - they have an online store as well as a store in Croydon. For all queries, please contact
Library Hours
Monday to Friday:
8:30am to 4:00pm
Lost Property
Please label all your school items.
Lost Property is kept at the General Office. Please search there for your list uniform items, pencil cases, books etc. If you have lost any valuables, ie: phone, watch, etc... they are usually handed in to the main office.
Student Pick up and Drop Off
Students are able to be dropped off and picked up within our two car parking areas.
Please note that the area outside of the General Office is a No-Standing zone and parents/guardians are not able to pull over here to let their children out of the car. Please ensure you only let your children out of the car in the designated parking areas.
WHS Vision
Our vision as a school is to:
Challenge every learner in a safe and supportive environment
Embedded in this vision are the following beliefs:
- As teachers, we need to meet the individual learning needs of all students
- We are all learners in our community: students, staff and parents
- People learn best when they feel safe –emotionally and physically
- Basic abilities, such as intelligence and talent, can be developed through dedication and hard work
As a school community we expect the highest standards in terms of everything that each community member does. Underpinning the behaviour of students, staff and parents are three important values:
Excellence, integrity and respect
School Policies
WHS has a vast array of documented policies that guide our practice. These are available on our website via:
Warrandyte High School
Rachel Lynch
Assistant Principal:
Joseph Caruana
Business Manager:
Nicole Barravecchio
Leading Teachers:
Director of Student Services: Ash Dorio & Andrew Blair
Director of Teaching & Learning: Ernestina Greenwood
School Captains:
Atalia Kelly
Stephanie Laukart
Nimo Shirvanzadeh
Ethan Spence
School Council President:
Amanda Minogue