Introducing: Mrs. Parsons

In this edition of the 'Gang Gange' we introduce Cassie Parsons - our Year 9/10 Year Level Coordinator. Cassie joined WHS at the start of 2023, bringing with her a wealth of experience in both teaching and student management. As well as being a caring and supportive coordinator, Cassie is an outstanding classroom teacher currently teaching Year 12 Psychology and Junior Humanities classes.
Tell us about yourself (family, pets, hobbies etc.)
I am a crazy animal lover, and grew up on a farm. As a result, I always have pets in my life. I have one cat, two dogs; a staffy and a mini dachshund. I have two rabbits and four horses.
What football team do you follow and why?
My favourite footy team is the Mighty Hawks, not that they're doing too well this season. I love that Sam Mitchell is our coach as I loved his era of the team, when we were 'the team' or at least in my eyes. That 2008 grand final win will still be one of the best days of my life! And made all the more sweet, that we defeated my husband's team (the Cats).
My mum is a Carlton supporter, and my dad watched the footy, but didn't follow any one team. I became a Hawks supporter when I was in G3 by going to Waverley Park games with my then best friend.
What job/s did you have before you came to Warrandyte High School?
When I was in Yr10 I was a waitress, and I kept that job the whole way through uni. I was originally studying to become a Forensic Psychologist, but finished my undergraduate course, and my mother convinced me to do a dip-ed, as it offered me one more year, and I could get a full-time job at the end of it. I remember thinking the course was not exciting, or challenging compared to the uni courses I was doing prior. I had considered switching. However, after that first placement in a school, I knew teaching was for me.
I love to talk and socialise, and connect with people. Teaching allowed me to do that, and I could do that and tap into students' wavelength to help teach and educate them.
From finishing university, I got a job at Yarra Hills SC (nee. Pembroke). I was so excited to get my first career-specific job.
I started, and the school behaviour was tough, but I found my way. I became a Yr7 coordinator in my second yare of teaching with one of the toughest year levels that came through the school, and I taught an all-boys class. That year taught me so much, and I loved the challenge.
From then on, I moved in my third year of teaching to a Head of School for Junior 7-10 and I found my calling. That was my dream role, and I loved it. I had dreams of becoming a Principal. My then principal, wanted me to take her role when she was ready to leave. But the idea of children came into being, and my path changed.
What made you want to become a teacher?
I became a teacher because I wanted to help others. It's no all that different from being a psychologist. I work with kids, help them see their potential, help them learn strategies to deal with conflict, self-control, connect with
had struggled at school in primary school, I was too social, and too busy. I was forever being in trouble, however, Yr9 everything changed when I learned I could still be social, but work smarter. This changed my academic world, and my whole pathway. I also was so inspired by my teachers in VCE, especially my Psychology teacher. Had a not had her, I may never have ended up a Psychology teacher myself.
What do you love about Warrandyte High School?
I am fairly new to this school, this is my second year. Last year was challenging and there were times I questioned my decision. But I kept coming back to the students, they were cheeky, yes, but are all decent kids. Even when i have had to tell a student off, they still say 'thanks for my lesson' as they leave and come and chat to me on yard duty. They even wave when they walk past from another class. I think people who have taught here a long time may take that for granted. This is not 'the norm' at most schools. That above all the other things I love, is my favourite thing about Warrandyte High School.
If you could eat/cook anything what would it be and why?
I am quite the eater, just ask any of my students who get annoyed when my prize stash of lollies is me. I love most food, and really as a mum, I would eat any dish as long as I don't have to make it. I am not a great cook, and am always too scared to move away from every step of a recipe. So yep, I'd enjoy anything made by someone other than me.
How long have you been teaching and what do you love about it so far?
I started teaching in 2003, so have taught 21 years, but let's say it's more accurately 20 years with time off for having babies.
I love that each day, each lesson is different. I like helping students find their spark and confidence in learning. And love seeing their personalities grow. I genuinely really like the kids I teach, and we have so many laughs whilst learning.
What would be your favourite holiday destination and why?
My favourite holiday destination has to be Spain. I loved it so much; the weather, the people, the landscape and the lifestyle. I cannot wait to show my family.
What is one piece of advice you give to your students about life?
I give my students lots of advice on many things. I am sure that sometimes they think me crazy, but I guess the one I always remind them about is to not work harder, work smarter. I teach them ways to learn and remember things in the easiest way possible.