PBIS & Learner of the Week Awards

Do Your Best ~ Help Others Succeed ~ Respect Our School

As we begin a new term, it is important to spend time reflecting on these important aspects of our Behaviour Support approaches.

Behaviour Support Team Training:

Members of our staff team have completed two sessions in Behaviour Support Teaming practices this term and are a resource to the broader St Mel's Staff Team.

The training with Behavioural Analyst, Dan Petro and Education Officer: Student Pastoral Wellbeing, John Mitchell from Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd will continue in Term Three.


This training builds on the initial training our whole staff team participated in during Term One of this year. 


Our Behaviour Support Team and school staff will continue to focus on teaching expected behaviour, encouraging desired behaviour and addressing student behaviour of concern through evidence-based strategies. 


As part of our approach to School Wide Behaviour Support we continue to focus on:

Current Focus:

For the next few weeks our children and staff will focus on using MANNERS and SPEAKING KINDLY USING RIGHT WORDS.

Please continue to reinforce these concepts with your children at home. A team approach is always best.

Be Your Best

Help Others Succeed

Respect Our School







Leave NO Trace


Choose Another Word

Speaking Kindly Using Right Words


Our Upper students are in the process of designing a new Learner of the Week Award for our School Community. Their work & designs in action.