Parish News

News from our parish

St Mel’s Parish is a welcoming and caring community that helps all people grow stronger in our Catholic faith!

St Mel’s Parish Prayer

God our Father,

Bless our Parish so that we may love you more.  Encircle our families with your loving care.  Help parents to be good examples to their children and our youth to grow in strength as good Christians. To the sick, grant health. To the aged, bring serenity and to those in sorrow, joy. May we grow stronger in faith and may our love for one another become deeper in our daily living. 



Celebrating our Sacramental Children

This Sunday, 2 June, you are invited to attend either the 9:30am or 5pm Mass. 

We call these our Welcoming Masses as it allows our Parishioners to be a part of your journey and help you feel a part of our Parish community. 

At these Masses, our sacramental children will be presented with their certificates and receive a blessing. We will also have your profiles and books for you to take home. 


Please remember to wear your stole.

Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.


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