RE & Wellbeing News 

Dear Families,




As I mentioned in last week's newsletter, the students in Year Two to Year Six have recently taken part in a wellbeing survey about how they are feeling about a range of topics. We have examined this data as a staff and have come up with a number of initiatives. 

One of which is to introduce a new Award for student achievement at Sacred Heart. 

We will continue to recognise students that have shown compassion and kindness towards others with the Good Samaritan Award. We are introducing an Achievement Award to recognise all the academic and subject based successes that our students achieve during their time at Sacred Heart. Our Art Captains, Fortunato and Yianna are busily creating our certificates so towards the end of the term we will have a new award to recognise our students. Thank you to a number of parents who provided feedback on this topic- it is great to work together, continually improving the experience of our students.

Another way we recognise our students, that families may not be aware of, is through a lucky number system at recess and lunch duty. Staff carry with them a bag whilst on yard duty with first aid items and also a yard duty book. 

The book is to record any concerns/disagreements between students where teachers needed to help sort out using a restorative conversation. 

It is also to record the lucky numbers students receive when we 'catch them' being a kind friend, following the school expectations of play, sharing and so on. We then using a spinning wheel at Monday's student assembly to select 2 lucky numbers of students randomly, to receive a reward and also whole school recognition. 



Triple P parenting is a wonderful resource - it is webinars, free courses and information sheets on a range of parenting topics which I'd highly recommend.


Have a great weekend.

Take Care,

Kate Harris

Wellbeing & RE Leader