Classroom News 


Be Safer Online! 

In Foundation, we love using technology, therefore it is very important that we know how to do so safely! 

The Foundation students along with the Year 1s and Year 2s, recently participated in the NetSmartz online safety education program, to help teach children how to be safer online and help them become more aware of potential online risks. 


Things we learnt: 

When you play a game and something comes up, you don't click it, you just keep playing your game.  Pablo 

Ask a trusted adult, like a parent, teacher or guard to help you. Jamie 

Don't tell anyone your name or your password. Yichen 

You can tell a Policeman, if something is making you upset. Steve 

You don't tell people your phone number or address because you don't know who they are. Max 

You should tell your mum or dad if you don't like something. Finbar

Don't send photos of yourself to other people because they might use it for bad things. Joseph


If you would like to know more about the program or access the videos/games, please click the following link: 

Year 1

This week in Sport, the Year 1s have continued to practice their Tennis skills with dedicated tennis coaches. Through fun drills and friendly competition, students have practiced their hand-eye coordination, footwork and teamwork. 


'I like throwing the ball really high' - Liam

'I enjoyed hitting the ball with the tennis racquet. I have a strong arm because I do lots of sports where I need to use my arms, so I can hit very hard' - Ezra

'I enjoyed hitting the ball with the racquet and I also enjoyed doing the obstacle course' - Abigail

'I enjoyed hitting the ball' - Stella

'I enjoyed hitting the tennis ball really high and it came back down really fast' - Valentino

'I like tennis and playing with the ball' - Alena

'I like tennis' - Elissa

'I enjoyed hitting the ball because on my second turn I hit it over the net' - Savannah

'I liked bouncing the balls' - Audrey

'I enjoyed hitting with the tennis racquet and hitting the ball far' - Aiden

'I played tennis and I caught the ball with my hand. I threw the ball very high' - Bruno

Year 2/3

Hello Wonderful Families,

What a special celebration over the weekend we shared at church. It was great to see the children sing harmoniously in the choir. Congratulations to the children who celebrated their First Eucharist, it was wonderful to see. Please enjoy the photos below and have a safe and warm weekend. 

Year 3 & Year 3/4

Inquiry - Science Experiments 

We have been learning about chemical changes such as solid, liquid and gas. We have been doing experiments to see what will happen to different substances. Emma, Laura, Lawrence, Massie

Completing the experiment was not easy because we had to write down our observations. But it was good because we all got a chance to participate, but Mia thought it was amazing and fun. Mia, Olivia, Luke, Arvin, Amy

When we waited for a long time the cordial, water and milk frozen cubes started to melt. The milk melted the fastest and the water was the slowest. Our hypothesis was that the water would melt first, this was not correct. Georgia, Viraj, Aylah, Aisha, Ben  

We did an experiment with cordial, milk and water. They had been frozen into solids and then left to melt. The water was the slowest to melt and then the cordial was the second slowest and the milk was the fastest. We hypothesised that the water would melt the fastest but the milk melted the quickest. Chloe, Mason, Katalina 

Family Day 

Last week we had a lovely time sharing special things about our families. In Year 3/4 some of the student's family members came to visit. 


Year 4/5              

On Sunday the 19th of May, it was the day of my First Eucharist! I was surprisingly calm because Father Aloysius is someone that I can trust and he is really nice! I really liked that my aunty and my cousins too, gave up their time just to see me get the body of Christ. I really had a great day with my family.   By Natalie 


The Eucharist Day was awesome because we received our first communion. It was an amazing day and my favorite part of the day was when we and the choir sang the song ‘Gift of Love’ at the end.   By Brenton


Receiving the Eucharist felt like a special time in my life and having Jesus’ body /bread made me feel wiser and remember that my family is always by my side.   By Azariah


At the start of my Eucharist Day, I felt a bit nervous. It’s a BIG, special day in our lives. But after receiving the Eucharist, I felt very relieved and calm   By Kaitlyn


On Eucharist Day, the year 4s were celebrating their First Eucharist. I felt really happy for them and emotional too! I was at the church because my cousin Kaitlyn was receiving her First Eucharist. I thought that she looked really pretty.   By Lauren

On Sunday 19th May, I had my First Eucharist. My brother Tayshaun and my sister Aliyah also received the body of Christ. I was really excited to try the bread. It was nice to see everyone on a Sunday morning. The choir group did a really good job at singing.   

By Tristan


On Sunday, some students received their First Eucharist. I was so excited. We received it on Pentecost Sunday. It was a special time for us.   By Shamus


On Sunday, I had my First Eucharist. I was nervous at first but when I saw the others at Church, I didn’t feel nervous anymore. When I had the body of Christ, it felt refreshing. It was a nice and wonderful day.   By Callix

I was really excited for Family Day because we got to share our special family mementos and also we got our family members to come into our classroom to visit! It was a fabulous day and experience.   By Nirav


We had a great time on Family Day. Me and my sister shared a bowl that we got from our home. My sister shared it with her class too and then we shared it at Assembly. We had a great time.   By Raffaele.


On Family Day, we all shared an important item from our family. It was an amazing day.   

By Tiffany

On Family Day, families got to go to different classes. Everybody also got to share something that represented their family.  My favorite part of Family Day was the Assembly. By Shamus


Family Day was awesome. We had our family visit our classroom at 1.45pm. Me and my uncle talked about our special item.   By Jasmine


Family Day was amazing! When families arrived, we all had fun! We were all excited and happy to have our families at school.   By Brenton


Family Day was a fantastic day. There were lots of parents coming to the classes. We had Assembly and my dad came to look at what I had bought.   By Stephanie

Year 5/6

Tantalising Tessellations

In Maths recently we have been finishing off shapes and their properties, as well as angles and symmetry. The students looked at the work of the famous designer Escher, known for his imagery and creative use of tessellations to create illusionary images. So we had a go...

Tasty tessellations 1
Tasty tessellations 2
Tasty tessellations 3
Tasty tessellations 1
Tasty tessellations 2
Tasty tessellations 3

 Writer's Notebook ~ Explode the Moment


We took a break from the cycle of Writer's Notebook (unpack seed, shape your writing, plan, draft, edit and publish) to learn some creative writing tools, such as Explode the Moment to enhance student writing. This is a writing strategy where the writer goes deep into a particular moment, describing how a character feels, what they see, hear, smell, taste and think. 


Here's a snapshot of some Explode the Moments. We hope you enjoy! 


Explode The Moment

By Izaac 


At work I went to my desk and there was a note to go see the boss.

Fear coursed through me,  I thought to myself ‘am I going to get fired?’, sweat dripped down my face as I walked to the boss’s office at a snail's pace. I could hear people gossiping about me,  it stabbed me like a knife of betrayal.  I was bewildered when I reached the boss’s office because he greeted me with a friendly smile and said in a cheerful voice “you’re being promoted!’ And at that moment I heard chip packets being opened and the sweet smell of cheese and nachos to celebrate my promotion. The feeling of happiness was filled to my limit. I was the happiest person in the entire universe.  


Explode The Moment

By Keefe


At work I went to my desk and there was a note to go see the boss. I immediately got out of my snug chair and stopped snacking on my piquant, oily crisps. As I staggered down the cold hallway I noticed that everyone was staring at me with their deep,  stern eyes. I was getting a little anxious but the delightful smell of the nachos cooking in the staff room calmed me. I reached her office. It was awfully bright. She was smiling joyfully. “You’ve got promoted!” said my boss with glee, “Wait.. really?” I responded with confusion. 

“Hah! Just kidding… YOU’RE FIRED!”, 


“I NEVER LIKED THIS JOB ANYWAYS!” I replied, and left slamming the plain, wooden door.


                                                                    Explode The Moment

                           By Ali                            


At work, I went to my desk and there was a note to go and see the boss.

I was thinking to myself, why does the boss want to see me? Am I getting fired or something? Anyway,  when I was going to my bosses office I could hear people talking  about me. I was feeling nervous and I could see my bosses office. I was holding the note.   I could also smell coffee and breakfast and I could taste delicious pancakes. 


                                                                    Explode The Moment

By Isabella


At work, I walked to my desk and there was a note to see the boss. As I walked to my desk, I saw people giving me hard glares. No, they were looking at my dress. I took a glance at my dress. Oh shoot! The coffee stain from yesterday was still there! I held my folder and laptop in front. Hopefully  no-one saw it. The blank noise in the office was filled with telephones and keyboards clacking. I sat on my chair, and realized that there was a note. “Meet me. - Boss.” I forced myself to the boss’ office and thought about what I had done. I wasn’t ready to be fired.