Whole School News

Walking and Cycling to School - Infrastructure Survey


Onemilegrid have been engaged by the City of Banyule to undertake an audit of the walking and cycling infrastructure around several Primary Schools within the municipality.


The audit will include walking and cycling the Active Travel to School routes to review all existing pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure, as well as identifying needs for new infrastructure. As part of this process, we are reaching out to teachers and parents of each school to understand if there are any specific concerns with the existing walking and cycling infrastructure provided.


We would like to invite you to take part in a short online survey to express your opinions and concerns. Any information that you can provide would be greatly appreciated, and will help us to provide a thorough review to make the most out of this audit, ultimately improving the safety and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists within the vicinity of your school.


Survey: https://forms.office.com/r/sNmFKDxvL6


Active Travel to School map: https://tinyurl.com/ATSM-Rosanna


Chicken Update

The chickens have been loving all the scraps that the school community have been bringing them. Thanks to all who save their kitchen off cuts. Very much appreciate it. They always want more so if you feel like feeding their hungry tummies, then please do. Most veg are ok apart from onion family, and potato. There is a list on the wire coop if you want to check. Or text me as well. 


They also love weeds and grass so if you are doing some autumn gardening, they will gobble them up too. Weeds can be thrown directly into their yard over the wooden fence. Veg scraps van be pushed through the wire feeding holes on the coop wall. This is to deter pigeons and rats. 


Speaking of which, the photo shows some wooden beads, reminiscent of a 1970s kitchen. I installed these to try and keep pigeons out. And last week I asked if anyone had seen pigeons in there… It seems it’s not working, as pigeons were caught in there by me on Wednesday morning. If anyone has any ideas on how to keep them out, I’d love to hear from you.


There are always spots on the roster too. For anyone wanting to look after them on the weekends, you will get some eggs as your reward. Full training is provided (it’s very easy). 


Cheers from Jackie. 




Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)


Students Of The Week


Congratulations To Our Leaders Of Learning!!


Term 2 - Week 4


Prep K - Liliana E

Prep S - Gia D

1/2P - Bella D

1/2K - Lucy K

1/2S -  Abdullah A and Melody C

1/2W - Maddy W

2/3W - Felix P and S

3/4B - Vivian S

3/4R - Sofia W

3/4T - Charlie B

4/5H - Kiara LT and Angus L

5/6C - Elliot S

5/6A - Audrey W and Brax S