Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Parents, 


We have had quite a busy week this week and it feels like the term is flying by quickly. 

Unfortunately, we have had a number of staff out with COVID 19 infections this week. Luckily, they are all recovering well, and we hope to see them all back next week. We appreciate everyone’s understanding with having relief teachers in classrooms and changes to timetables at late notice. Our students have adapted to this extremely well! Hopefully, the worst is past us now. 


This week, our School Leaders conducted a tour of our school for prospective parents of 2025 Foundation students.   I am very proud of the way our school leaders conducted themselves during this tour and they truly showed great pride in the way that they spoke positively about our school. 


Attached to this newsletter is some information regarding health and wellbeing supports.  Our school prides itself on being a hub of support for our community.  If you, or anyone you know who is involved in our school is struggling, please reach out to us. We are more than happy to put you in touch with community-based supports. 


I am extremely proud of our Dana Street Soccer Team who, this week, made the semifinals of the inter school soccer tournament, at Victoria Park. Again, our School Values, camaraderie and team spirit shone through as our students supported each other through the triumph and loss. Well done, team! Next week, we have our Dana Street Netball Team representing our school at a similar event. 


Our Junior School Council have decided to wear yellow next Friday, for Reconciliation Week. It was wonderful to hear that our students are taking the concept of Reconciliation Week so seriously and diligently. A gold coin donation will go towards https://wearityellow.org.au/


Please remember that Monday is a student free day. Our staff are currently undertaking the monumental task of preparing and completing semester reports. We thank you for your understanding and support. 


Have a fantastic weekend. 


Ryan 😊