Primary Life

Year 5 Sovereign Hill

Josh Turnbull - Year 5 Team Leader

The air was filled with anticipation and excitement as our Year 5 students arrived bright and early to set off on their excursion to Sovereign Hill.  After the long bus trip, students entered Sovereign Hill and stepped onto the cobblestone streets. They were instantly transported back to a bustling gold mining town, complete with period costumes, horse-drawn carriages and the unmistakable sound of coaches rumbling by. 


Throughout the day, the students were immersed in hands-on activities that brought history to life. They tried their luck at gold panning, eagerly sifting through the gravel in search of a precious speck of gold – a task that required patience and precision.


Guided by knowledgeable instructors, they discovered the hardships and triumphs of life on the goldfields, gaining a deeper appreciation for the resilience of those who came before us.


Sovereign Hill offered other interactive exhibits and demonstrations, sparking the curiosity of the Year 5s. They explored the authentic shops and workshops, marvelling at the craftsmanship of the era. Students experienced candy making, a gold pouring demonstration, school life in the 1800s and chatted with costumed shopkeepers. Every moment was a chance to engage with history in a meaningful way. 

Primary Cross Country

Ingrid Briggs - Primary Sports Coordinator

Our Primary Cross Country event embodies more than a mere race; it’s a memorable community gathering each year when our Prep to Year 6 students lace up their shoes, don their house colours and run their little legs off through the challenging and hilly DCC terrain. In stark contrast to the incessant rain and soggy mud that plagued the course last year, the sun shone brilliantly all day. The newly-refurbished top oval, decorated in House colours, made for the picture perfect finish line as each of our resilient, exhausted and proud competitors completed their race!

The coffee-van kept parent volunteers and staff fuelled for their roles as chief encouragers, check point marshalls and ribbon givers, and with the support of our incredible maintenance team, enthusiastic Year 8 volunteers and our Primary captains there was always someone along the route to provide encouraging cheers, motivation and a big smile. It is a true team effort to facilitate almost 700 students completing the various courses, and our PE team are thankful for the help and support of our wonderful school community.


Which house will be declared the DCC Cross Country Champions? Find out at our upcoming assembly!


View all the photos from the Primary Cross Country here.

Lest We Forget (Year 6 Shrine of Remembrance and NGV)

Harry Foster - Year 6 Team Leader

As part of our Inquiry unit on Australia’s history and the Year 6 Art Curriculum, our students embarked on an excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and The Shrine of Remembrance.


During our visit to the NGV, students delved into various forms of artwork, uncovering the stories they encapsulate. At the Shrine, our students participated in a guided tour, gaining insights into Australia’s participation in significant wars and the profound impact they've had on our nation's history.


The tour concluded with a moment of silence, allowing us to reflect on the immense sacrifice made by those who bravely fought for Australia. 'There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,' a sentiment echoed in the sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour. To wrap up the day, we enjoyed an audio tour of the botanical gardens, adding a serene conclusion to our day of learning.