Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One

How are we already approaching the end of the term! The last few weeks have been a fun, filled time for the preps with lots of engaging experiences occurring at school.

The Preps participated in STEM day where they all got the opportunity to work with other year levels and teachers to create a part of a city. They were able to use the design process to help define, ideate, create a prototype and evaluate their part of the city to insure it included a sustainable aspect. It was a STEMtastic day and the students really enjoyed the hands-on learning that took place.

What an exciting evening we had last Tuesday night for our Preps in pyjamas evening. It was great to see so many come and participate in this evening and share in prayer, activities and come together to see what a prayer routine looks like at school. We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and thank you for your attendance. John, our Catholic Identity Leader, did an amazing job in organising this prayerful, reflective evening and we thank him for all his hard work!

On Monday the preps participated in a Teddy Bears Picnic to celebrate the end of buddies for the year. It has been a great experience for the preps to get to know their buddies, learn things about them and have someone they can turn to when they need some help. They have all loved the chance to build connections with the senior students within the school and it has been amazing seeing their relationships blossom.


In Literacy, the students continued to explore their digraph sounds - ask them what a digraph is they should tell you that it is 2 letters making 1 sound. The students continued to explore comprehension strategies of prediction and questioning about the texts being explored. For national reconciliation week the preps explored the text ‘Rainbow Serpent’ and responded to the text by creating their own rainbow serpent and worked to retell the story identifying the beginning, middle and ending. The students then looked at the text ‘Tiddlelick’ where they unpacked the sequence of the story and worked to identify the beginning, middle and ending independently.

During Math, the students have been working on being able to create 2 digit numbers using the skill of bundling and that it is used to help us count easily. Students worked hard to identify that when we  make 1 ten we need to create a bundle. The students then looked at matching their bundle to the numeral. The students then explored the skill of being able to count by 10 and identifying the pattern that they see when we count by 10.


Throughout Religion, the preps explored the people in their families, God's family and that God created us with the intention to become and do great things in our lives. The students then began unpacking the story of John the Baptist and how Jesus was baptised. The students looked at how they can retell the story of Jesus’ baptism and how they could retell the story verbally and visually.


Thanks to Marion for supporting the students as an LSO and we wish her all the best as she has now joined the 1/2 team as an Enrichment teacher and welcome Kelsey as a LSO that will be in LC1 to help the Prep team/ Prep students. 


Some friendly reminders:

  • Monday 10th June - Kings Birthday NO SCHOOL
  • Friday 14th June - Whole School Mass 12 - 1pm
  • Monday 17th June - Learning Conversations 1:30 - 4:30pm
  • Tuesday 18th June - Learning Conversations 18th June - 3:30 - 7pm
  • Thursday 20th June - Science Excursion
  • Friday 28th June - Whole School Assembly 9 - 10am in Sports Hall ( All Welcome)
  • Friday 28th June - School Finishes 1pm 


Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Rachael, Kiah, 

Sarena, Teagan, Sam, Kelsey, Tina & Dasanthi. 


Learning Centre Two

5/6 CAMP

This week, a Dojo message was added to your senior child's class story about camp. It mentioned the medication form required to be filled out should your child need medicine while on camp. This can be printed here or see the office staff for a copy.

Also mentioned was the rest day happening on Thursday 27th June. On this day, the 5/6 students do not come to school to allow them to rest (and so the teachers can rest too). The last day of Term 2 (Friday 28th June), will be a specialist day for the 5/6 students. If you have any questions about this, please send your child's teacher a message on Dojo.


Please see below for the list of 'what to bring' to camp that was presented to families in our online information session. A copy of this will be printed and given to students to bring home and tick off, as they pack for camp.



This week, the Year 5 and Prep students spent their final Buddy session together for the term. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the friendships they have developed over the semester. The Prep children brought their teddy bears to school and everyone shared a teddy bear picnic. In the second semester, the buddies will catch up for lunch or a play every so often.



Last Friday, the senior students and teachers rugged up and headed out to participate in the Winter Gala Sports Day. We all travelled by bus to various venues; hockey and teeball were at President's Park, the soccer teams to Galvin Park and our netballers played at Hoppers Crossing Netball Courts. Some of our Sports Leaders have written up the results from the day.


At football, we had three different teams. In Team A, they did really well and won every game so they went to the semi-finals. Unfortunately, they were unlucky and lost to Christway College.


Team B won every game so we got to the semi-finals. They also got unlucky and lost to Riverbend in a penalty shootout. In the penalty shootout, we lost 2-1. Elnathan scored a penalty that got everyone’s hopes up but they lost and it was a sad time for everyone.


In Team C, we lost 3 games and won 1 game. It was like war but playing football was so fun. Raphael shot our first and last goal, and everyone cheered around him. 

By Gus and Elnathan


We arrived at Mossfiel Reserve, Hoppers Crossing. There were 3 teams in netball, Team A, Team B and Team C. We first played with Team A and they won. Then we played our games individually and had fun. Team A won 5 games and lost 3 games, Team B won 2 games and lost 6 games, and Team C won 0 games. Team A came second and only Manor Lakes made it to the districts. We were all satisfied with the results and in the end, our lovely teachers (Chelsea and Krystin) gave us Skittles for a celebration.

By Nishika



The teeball teams arrived at Presidents Park after departing from school. There were 3 teams in teeball, Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3. Team 2 won all of their games and made it to the semi-finals. The semi-finals were very close but we managed to win it. In the finals, unlike the semi-finals, we comfortably won. In the end, Team 2 and Team 3 made it to the next round and we all had fun as Ben gave us lollies at the end of the day for our hard work!

By Rohit


There were three hockey teams, two girls' teams and one mixed team. The first girls' team won all of their games except for one which was a tie. The second girls' team won all of their games except for those played against the other OLSC team. The mixed team won all of their games and made it through to the finals. Unfortunately, they did not make it to the grand final. Overall, we all had a really fun day.

By Hamsini and Aiden


The students have been working on some artworks inspired by Pablo Picasso. Check out their amazing self-portraits...


  • Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June - School Closure Days
  • Monday 10th June - King's Birthday public holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June - Winter Appeal begins
  • Friday 14th June - Whole school mass at 12 noon (ALL WELCOME)
  • Monday 17th June - students finish at 1 pm
  • Monday 17th June - Learning Conversations 1:30pm - 4:30pm 
  • Tuesday 18th June - Learning Conversations 3:30pm - 7pm
  • Tuesday 18th June - Girls Football (some 5/6 students)
  • Thursday 20th June - Regional Cross Country
  • Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th June - 5/6 Camp to Sovereign Hill
  • Thursday 27th June - Camp rest day 5/6 staff and students (NO SCHOOL for 5/6s)
  • Friday 28th June - Last day of Term, 1 pm finish for students
  • Friday 28th June - Whole school assembly in Sports Hall (All Welcome)

Year 5/6 Team:  Ann, Anna, Ben, Bianca, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Isaac, Kristina, Krystin, Selena, Scott and Zach.

Learning Centre Three

The Grade 1/2s have had another busy two weeks here at school. There has been a great deal of excitement across LC1 and LC3 as we have been completing lots of hands-on activities this fortnight. 


On Monday the 27th of May, the whole school participated in STEM Day. Every student across the school was put into their STEM Day group and was given two pieces of cardboard to create a part of OLSC’s sustainable STEM City. All students showed great enthusiasm and contributed to the project with fantastic and sustainable ideas. 



In Literacy, we have been looking at procedural texts. We even got to make our own fairy bread after watching our teachers try to follow some of our procedure writing. 


We also looked at the story ‘How the Birds Got Their Colours’ for National Reconciliation Week, where we discussed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and their history. In Phonics, we have been revising the sounds that we have learnt so far this term and practising our segmenting and blending skills every day. 


During Maths, we have been looking at addition and subtraction. We have looked at different ways to help support us with addition and subtraction, such as using tens frames and number lines. 



Throughout Religion, we have been discussing the story of The Prodigal Son and how we can show forgiveness to people that we know. We have also reflected on times when others have forgiven us and how that made us feel. 



In Inquiry, we have just completed the last of our science experiments. Each learning group completed 6 science experiments in total, those being; Floating Dry Erase, Trombone Straw, Surface Tension, Colourfull Skittles, Dancing Raisins and How Plants Drink. We have written our hypothesis and results for each experiment and will be presenting our findings to our learning groups next week.


Dancing Raisins
Dancing Raisins
Trombone Straw
Colourful Skittles
Floating Dry Erase
How plants drink
Surface Tension
Dancing Raisins
Dancing Raisins
Trombone Straw
Colourful Skittles
Floating Dry Erase
How plants drink
Surface Tension


Some News:

We wish Jess all the best with the upcoming arrival of her baby girl within the next few weeks. We thank Jess for her work with the Grade 1/2 students as an enrichment teacher this year. 


We also wish to welcome Marion to the 1/2 Team. Marion has been working in LC1 from the beginning of the year, but has now moved up to LC3 and will work as an enrichment teacher. Welcome to the team Marion! 


Year 1/2 Team - Gabby, Gillian, Imogen, Janeen, Jamie, Jess, Jordan, Marion, Mary, Shalome, Tasmin, Tina and Sue.


Important dates:

  • Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of June - School Closure Days
  • Monday 10th June - King's Birthday Public Holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June - Winter Appeal begins
  • Friday 14th June - Whole School Mass at 12pm (ALL WELCOME)
  • Monday 17th of June - Students finish at 1pm
  • Monday 17th of June - Learning Conversations 1:30pm - 4:30pm 
  • Tuesday 18th of June - Learning Conversations 3:30pm - 7pm
  • Friday 21st of June - Pie Drive Deliveries
  • Friday 28th of June - Whole School Assembly at 9am (ALL WELCOME)
  • Friday 28th of June - School finishes at 1pm 

Learning Centre Four


The past few weeks, we have continued to explore the Parts of the Mass, including some of the important prayers that make up each of these parts. We have been linking them to other celebrations that we have in our lives: for example, the Liturgy of the Word is similar to when we share stories with friends and family at a party, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist is like when we gather around the table and share food at a family celebration. Students have also been exploring the story of the Last Supper and comparing the words of Jesus to the words of the priest during Mass. This shows us the direct link between the Last Supper and Holy Mass. 



As the term has progressed, students have been exploring different types of science. They have been developing their own proposals for their own experiments and investigations. Some students have been exploring magnetism and push and pull, some have been exploring change created by chemical reactions and some have been creating mini ovens with boxes and alfoil, harnessing the heat of the sun. 



Students have been learning about angles in Maths over the past couple of weeks. They have been exploring right angles and what makes a right angle. Students have explored the learning space to find right, and other types of angles. They have also been creating and naming different angles as well. It has been a fun experience learning about different angles!



In Indigital we have been learning about the grassland earless dragon the. Before we looked at the earless dragon we wrote facts about the Wadurung. Our class found some information about the Earless dragon. We made a type of a mind map to record our information. We have drawn a picture about the grassland earless dragon we also labeled it. We did a model of it with doe which was made out of salt, water and flour. We added all the texture to make it look real. The models will dry and it will turn hard.


Lost Property

Our Lost Property bin is overflowing! If your child has lost a jumper, jacket etc. please come into LC4 and take a look through the bin. Unfortunately, many of the items are not labelled, so this is a timely reminder to please clearly label all items.



  • Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June - School Closure Days
  • Monday 10th June - King's Birthday public holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June - Winter Appeal begins
  • Friday 14th June - Whole school Mass at 12pm ALL WELCOME
  • Sunday 16th June - Community Mass and First Holy Communion at 10am ALL WELCOME
  • Monday 17th June - Students finish at 1 pm
  • Monday 17th June - Learning Conversations 1:30pm - 4:30pm 
  • Tuesday 18th June - Learning Conversations 3:30pm - 7pm
  • Friday 28th June - Last day of Term, 1pm finish for students
  • Friday 28th June - Whole school assembly in Sports Hall ALL WELCOME

Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Alison, Amelia, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, Jannine, John, Josh and Milla.