Sports Information

Katie Goddard - Sports Coordinator


Mr Andrew Frend from Zoom Athletics is back again this week to facilitate athletics skills to prepare students for our athletics carnival on Wednesday, 3rd July.  Thank you to the Australian Government's Sporting Schools Grant, which has allowed accredited athletics coaches to instruct our students in K-6.  Last week, the children were shown the basics of discus. We would like to thanks the Armidale Diocesan Primary Sports Council for the purchases of school discus nets so we are able to undertake this activity safely in all schools in the Armidale Diocese.

This week, we will continue to refine our running techniques with sprints and long jump. We will be walking down to Jubilee Oval for our last session on Wednesday. Permission has already been given for this from the COMPASS event in Week 6.


K-2 ~ Discus 


The School Athletics Carnival is fast approaching and the date is Wednesday 3rd July (Week 10) at Jubilee Oval. If you are able to help on the day, either in the canteen, timekeeping or at an event that would be wonderful. I’ll send a google form to fill out closer to the date. A Compass Event will be pushed out next week so parents are reminded to keep an eye out for this notification to give your child permission to participate. Please ensure that you take notice of the due date for this event.


The children will be participating in high jump at school during lunch time in Week 9 and they are  able to bring a change of clothes and joggers to compete in. 


Mrs Katie Goddard

Sports Co-ordinator