Spotlight on the Classroom

Our K-2 classes have enjoyed many hands-on activities over the last week. Kindergarten students have been counting and combining objects such as counters, teddies and also using our Numicon. Years 1 and 2 have been learning about number bonds and the relationship between addition and subtraction to solve problems involving partitioning. Students have also recorded number sentences in a variety of ways using drawings, words, numerals and symbols.
Why is it important?
Addition and subtraction develop when students count, combine, and separate objects. In time, they learn to use number words or numerals as replacements for completed counts.
The processes of addition and subtraction are developed together to provide the foundation for the understanding of their inverse relationship. Reasoning about the way numbers can be combined and separated supports understanding the actions of adding and subtracting as inverse operations.
Tips for parents of Kindergarten Students:
- Encourage your child to help you when out shopping by counting and collecting objects to put into the basket, e.g. ‘Can you get 2 apples? (add more) How many do we have altogether?’
- When playing with building bricks or small toys, encourage your child to count how many of each colour or size.
- Play simple board games and encourage your child to count the spots shown on the dice and the number of spaces to move.
- Sing number-themed ......... counting rhymes and use your fingers or small props to help count the items, e.g. 10 Green Bottles.
- Watch Number Blocks with your child and discuss the concepts. Each episode has been carefully crafted with the help of the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) and it helps children to see how numbers really work − and master a new key math skill with every adventure.