Winter Weather

As the days become colder and many different illnesses are circulating in our school and the community, we ask that you please remind your children about the importance of covering your coughs and sneezes.

Sneeze, blow your nose or cough into a disposable tissue, and discard the tissue immediately into a bin. If tissues are not readily available, cough or sneeze into your upper arm or sleeve; avoid using your hands. Move away from other people when coughing or sneezing. Always wash your hands after coughing or sneezing using soapy water or hand sanitiser.


**It would be appreciated if each family could bring in a box of tissues for the classroom.


BEST PRACTICE:  if your child is sick, home is the best place for them.


If your child does return to school and needs the administration staff to administer medication, please contact Robyn in the office for a SHORT TERM ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION FORM to complete and ensure that the medication has your child's name on it and is in its original package.


If your child is away from school for 3 or more consecutive days due to illness, parents should request a medical certificate from their treating doctor.

Term 2 Outstanding School Fees

Term 2 School Fees are now overdue. Please make payment at your earliest convenience via BPay, the Compass App or EFTPOS at the office. If you are having difficulty making payment, please contact Mrs Claire Ryan to discuss this matter confidentially.