Principal’s Message

Mrs Claire Ryan

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Week 7's newsletter.



Term Two brings a greater focus on data conversations, presenting a valuable opportunity for professional growth and development. Our Staff and Class Professional Learning Team meetings (PLTs) enable staff to begin triangulating the data they have collected in the classrooms and then moderate these tasks as a team. Engaging staff with effective moderation practices has been a focus for our school, as outlined in our 2024 Annual Improvement Plan.



We are eagerly anticipating the visit of Briony Martin, a Subject Matter Expert from the Data team at the Armidale Catholic Schools Office. Her insights and guidance will further develop our understanding of the Correlation between assessment tasks, once again ensuring the accuracy of our marks for the Semester 1 reports.


Furthermore, as the NSW Syllabus for English and Mathematics has changed for K-2 in 2023 and 3-6 in 2024, we will host 3-way Learning Conferences for all children at Sacred Heart School during Week 10 to discuss the Semester 1 Reports. These conferences are not just another event, but a significant opportunity for you to understand and support your child's learning journey. As the name suggests, they will focus on learning. If parents wish to discuss matters other than learning, a meeting can be booked with your child's class teacher at another time. During these meetings, teachers will discuss Semester 1 reports with parents and students; the students will present work samples to their parents and discuss their reflections and next steps in learning. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to show pride in their learning and take accountability for their work. Parents will also participate by asking questions and offering constructive comments. Your understanding and preparation for these conferences is key. Further information and booking schedules will be made available closer to Week 10.



Over the past weeks, we have been working closely with the Armidale Catholic Schools Office to tighten our approaches to student attendance. We ask that families continue encouraging their children to attend school daily. The impact of having days off is visible in the children’s learning outcomes and continues through their life choices in years to come. The following tables show the data on missing school.

The best gift you can give your child is a good education. Allowing children to have a day or two off does nothing for their future life choices. Obviously, sick days are taken into account. At Sacred Heart School, we want to create literate, numerate students for a hope-filled future. So, let’s work together to make every day count. 



Wishing everyone a productive and rewarding Week 7!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.


Warm regards,


Claire Ryan
