Dear Families, 


Term two has been a great term for change. Our SWPBS team have been working hard to support staff and students in problem areas of our school. This term, we identified a need modify an expectations during break times for students who play ball games, specifically football and soccer. We identified that paying these games on the oval was the safest area as well as safe alternatives to some rules. Our school leaders developed a brilliant video that outlined our expectations which included the 3 tap rule and how to seek help from a yard duty teacher if a rules is not being followed.  



At the Principal Network meeting on Thursday 23rd May, Aberfeldie Primary School received a Bronze award for our early adoption of SWPBS. We were the only school in Western Melbourne to receive the award. Well done for everyone's dedication to SWPBS. The award will be placed in the office.


Over the term, the SWPBS lesson focuses will included: 

-We follow teacher instructions

-We play non-contact sports 

-We try to solve (small) problems

- We seek teacher help when needed

-We arrive on time

-We have our materials ready 

-We follow expectations when at the canteen 



You can support your child’s understanding of the SWPBS expectations by engaging in conversations about our weekly focuses at home. You might like to ask:

-What is the SWPBS focus for this week?

-What is a good example of showing this expectation? (A way in which you can positively demonstrate this expectation)

-What is a non-example for this expectation? (An example that explains what not to do)

-Did you receive a token today? If yes, What expectation did you demonstrate to earn this token?

-If no, What expectation will you show tomorrow so your teachers might ‘catch you’ to earn a token? 


Token Count

Our 2024 goal for all students in APS to earn a shared whole school rewards is 20,000. Students have been collectively working to earn this goal by displaying expected behaviours, in the classroom and in the yard, regularly. Our current total is 14,674!



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