School gates to be locked

Dear parents/carers,


Aberfeldie Primary School strives to create an open and inclusive school community and encourages parents and carers to be actively involved in their child’s development and education. We also strive to foster strong partnerships with local community services, schools, and other organisations.


Historically, Aberfeldie Primary School has left our perimeter gates unlocked outside of school hours. We have been one of the only primary schools in the area to do so.

Unfortunately, this has left our school susceptible to criminal activity such as unwelcome visitors, graffiti, vandalism, and burglary, as well as a wide variety of litter including glass bottles, vapes, illicit substances and sanitary items. The safety of children participating in the Team Kids program and other facility hire groups is also being compromised from the use of bikes, including motorised, and unauthorised visitors during their operations. The vandalism includes deliberate damage to gas and electrical assets on the roof of our buildings which impact our ability to provide an appropriate and comfortable environment for students to learn in. While this has always been an issue, the frequency and damage of this criminal activity has significantly increased, as has the resulting repair costs.


As a school, we must meet our duty of care and responsibility to provide a safe and secure working and learning environment for all students, staff, contractors, and visitors. Therefore, in response we have had to develop and implement appropriate strategies to mitigate these health and safety risks.


Following advice from the Department of Education that Aberfeldie Primary School is not a public space, and to ensure we are providing a safe and secure environment for all stakeholders, School Council have decided to lock the perimeter gates outside of school hours and to have ‘No Trespassing’ signs erected. This will take place from Monday 03 June 2024.


Gates will be opened at 8:30am on school days for students and families to enter and locked at 3:45pm each day. The grounds also remain supervised by school staff from 8:45am until 3:45pm. Outside of these hours, students remain in the duty and care of their parents/carers. Outside School Hours Care users (Team Kids), authorised visitors and user groups who hire the school grounds outside of school hours will continue to utilise school facilities. We ask that community members only visit the school after hours if they are part of these authorised groups.


Please note, that from 8:45am - 3:45pm, the staff car park is only for staff and deliveries. We have recently had children dropped off in this space at 8:50am where they have almost been hit by a car. Outside of hours, Teamkids and sports groups may access this carpark.


Limiting the occurrence and consequences of criminal activities, even minor ones, has a positive impact on the perception of the school as a safe place to be and can improve the overall health and wellbeing of the school community.


Please see the attached Gate Map for full details on Aberfeldie Primary School gate access.


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