Chaplain's Corner

The gift of the Spirit is God’s own power to love unconditionally—and to transform the world by that power. 


At Pentecost we read from the bible in the book of Acts of the gift of the Holy Spirit, the advocate, the comforter. The Spirit comes as a mighty wind, as flames and like a dove upon the disciples. It also brought the gift of speaking in tongues that was understood by those outside of the room who could somehow hear the disciples in their own various languages. 


The Spirit is always a gratuitous gift. It’s always an unmerited favour. It’s always pure grace. Like wind, it cannot be seen. Like smoke, it cannot be controlled. The Spirit is elusive, blowing where it wills. Yet like fire, the Spirit can be  felt. The Spirit is experienced as the warmth of God’s love. And like blood, it is experienced as an inner vitality. The Spirit is supremely intimate, yet supremely transcendent. John Wesley (founder of the Methodist church) famously describes his expereince as “I felt my heart strangely warmed”.


I shared about the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost with our students at Chapel last week and that according to the Apostle Paul the Spirit brings the fruits of Love, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Self-control, Goodness, Peace and Faithfulness (Galations 5:22-23)


May God bless us with his presence via the the Holy Spirit, and grant us all peace and hope, love and joy.



Rev. Gavin Blakemore

Food For Families – All Year Round

Food For Families collects non-perishable food items like canned soup, packets of pasta and baked beans, as well as household essential items including personal hygiene and cleaning products to support those who need it most.


Food For Families is a great way to get together and offer practical support to those who have fallen on trying times. Food, gifts and household essentials are distributed through a Broadmeadows emergency relief program, family services and outreach centre. 

Mario Kart Competition – 8 May 2024

A great night was enjoyed by many competitors with the winners being:

  • Fairview – Billie Andronikas
  • Cumberland – Jesse Andronikas
  • Senior – Sebastion Choukry

Each of them went home with a $50 Hoyts gift voucher. 

Thank you for all the competitors and supporters who attended!

Monthly Family Worship



Rev. Gavin Blakemore