Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Parent Cybersafety Presentation
On Thursday 6 June, Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education will be speaking to students from Years 3 to 9 about internet safety. This will be his third visit to Aitken and he has some important messages for our students. Brett has agreed to also present to parents at 7.30pm in the CPA (also on Zoom if you can't attend in person). Please see the attached flyer for more details about the presentation; we highly recommend this event and encourage parents of any age students to attend. If you are able to join us, please register through TryBooking at . See the flyer below.
Winter is here - New student wardrobe items are available
The new student scarf and beanie are now available from Schooltrenz. These items were the initiative of student leaders who contributed to their design. Initial stock of the new Aitken rain jacket has arrived at Schooltrenz and recent orders are being filled; more stock is on the way, please enquire at Schooltrenz.