Hello Everyone!
Here at Kelly Club we are always looking for new ways to create fun and exciting sessions for the children. We are thrilled to annouce two new programs that we will be offering during before and after care. During before care we will be launching Smoothie Squad, where children can dive into the world of smoothie-making. In aftercare we will be launching Funtastic Fridays, these special sessions will feature a range of engaging activities at. We cannot wait to start these new programs with you all.
So far during Term 2 our themes have included ‘Kids Pick’, ‘Mother’s Week’, ‘Emotions’ and ‘Space’. The children have been very engaged in the activities and we have enjoyed getting the children’s suggestions. The children were involved in making special gifts for their mums or loved ones and giving it to them at our Mother’s Day afternoon tea. We have also been learning new sports and games, discussing and learning about emotions and different cooking activities. We would love to continue to collaborate with families in creating different activities and themes that you would like us to do at Kelly Club. Please send us an email or put a suggestion in our ‘Suggestion Box’ if you have any ideas or suggestions.
Thank you to all the mums who were able to make it to our Mother’s Day afternoon tea. The children and staff really enjoyed having you all there and spending some time with us.
Email: aitken@kellycluboshc.com.au
Venue Phone: 0467 772 667