GSPV Sports

SAPSASA Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to Layla and Eva, who both made the district team as a result of our swimming carnival - What a great achievement!

GS Warriors - Basketball

This week was a derby showdown between GS Warriors and GS Gators and the game lived up to the hype.  Warriors came out of the gate quickly and raced to a 10-0 lead before the Gators got going, some intense defending and quick movement of the ball up the court enabled the Gators to claw the score back to 11-10 at the half. The Warriors looked to be taking control again as the second half commenced building to a 15-10 lead before the Gators again surged back and took the lead with only 2 minutes left on the clock.  Both teams gave it their all to try and get the win with the Warriors able to snatch it at the end by 1 point with the game finishing 17-16.

Eden & Charlie 4, Tennyson 3, Nate, Shayla & Flynn 2.

The GS Roos - Soccer

It was a confident win 6-3 for the GS Roos this week. There was some great team work. 3 goals were scored by Chase and 3 were scored by Koh. One goal was even scored with only a few seconds left on the clock! Some solid saves from Leo and Austin in goals. A strong start to the season, after another win the previous week (2-1). Great work, GS Roos!

Coach Sarah