Student Learning-Foundation-Grade 2

This term our French lessons will revolve around the theme of travelling around the world. Each week students in years 1 and 2 explore a new continent, using this theme to develop students' reading and writing skills. This week they studied the continent `Afrique'.
-Stephanie, French 1/2C & 1/2D
In years 1 & 2 in numeracy we have been working on place value. We have been looking at representing numbers in lots of different ways using concrete, pictorial and abstract formats. In literacy we have been working on vowel sounds in words and how they are shown when reading and writing.
-Jenni, 1/2D
In maths 1/2 A explored place value using mathematical cubes. In French each week we are travelling to a new continent and this week it was Africa. Students in 1/2B enjoyed the craft activity.
-Maelle, French 1/2A & 1/2B
Also, foundation students have been spending a few afternoons with their grade 6 buddies and had a costume party on Friday afternoon!