2 Weeks to go....

With only a few weeks to go before FAIR DAY we are asking for all families (including grandparents, relatives or friends) to get in the kitchen and bake for our Cake Stall – cakes, biscuits, slices – whatever you can!
All goods must be NUT FREE (this includes Nutella & nut butter/meal/flour). Please prepare your items fresh (no pre-frozen goods) and do not use cream to fill or ice your cakes.
As we are a sustainable school, we are NOT sending home paper plates & plastic bags.
Bring your baked goods in a clearly named container with an adequate number of completed but unstuck ingredient labels to the Brewer Hall on Friday 14 March 8:00am – 4pm
Please complete the ingredient labels provided at the office. 1 completed label per whole cake or 6-8 pieces of slice or cupcakes (imagine a plate full per label). Labels are available at the Office or at the Hall when dropping off. Please return all unused labels.
Do not stick ingredient labels on. Items will be packaged uniformly by volunteers on the day.
Please collect your containers from the Brewer Hall during the afternoon on Friday 14 March or Monday morning, 20 March (please ensure they are clearly named).
If you have any questions, please contact Steph Silk
on: s_hudson@live.com.au or 0406 769 217
Thank you - The Cake Stall Team