Parents & Friends News

St Mary's Footy Tipping
A big congratulations to our 2024 Footy Tipping Competition winner – Stephen O'Shannessy (Kiss of Death)
Stephen finished the season on 139 points. In second place was Tim Birthisel (Tim don't call me Jamie) on 137 points, followed closely by Tim Meade (T2) on 135 points.
We would like to thank you for participating in our Tipping Competition for 2024. We hope it created some interest in the footy season, along with some friendly rivalry. The funds raised by the competition will go towards valuable resources for our students. Thanks again and all the best for the finals season. Here’s hoping your team has a win.
Inglewood Alive
After a hugely successful return in 2023, Inglewood Alive returns on Sunday, 3rd November 2024. St Mary's will be hosting a Baked Potato Stall. This is a Parents and Friends initiative, and the success relies wholly on volunteers to both prepare and sell the potatoes. If you could donate your time either before the event or on the day, can you please contact Suzi Birithsel at 0408103518 .