Catholic Identity

Father's Day Liturgy
Last Friday, we held a Father’s Day BBQ breakfast, followed by student led sports games and concluded with a special Liturgy. Another great turnout for St Mary's/
You can view the student’s tribute to their fathers and grandfathers in the video below.
We want to thank everyone for coming out and all the staff and students who made this a great event.
Gospel: Mark 7:31-37
Jesus heals a man who is deaf and has a speech impediment, showing compassion and care. Jesus' personal touch—placing his hands on the man’s ears and tongue—reflects his deep concern for the individual’s dignity. His command, "Ephphatha" (meaning "Be opened"), not only brings physical healing but also symbolises spiritual openness. This miracle invites us to reflect on areas in our lives where we may be closed off, allowing Christ to bring healing and transformation. The crowd, despite being told not to share, spreads the news, showing how true encounters with Christ lead to a desire to share his love. This passage reminds us of Jesus’ ministry of restoration, calling us to be open to God’s grace and to respond with compassion toward others. The man represents those of us who may be spiritually or emotionally closed off, and the call to "be opened" encourages us to listen to God and speak the truth with courage.