Faith Education and RE News

He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak- Mark 7:31-37
In this week’s Gospel, Jesus travels to the Decapolis region, an area populated by Gentiles. There, a crowd brings to Him a deaf man with a speech impediment. Jesus takes the man aside, places His fingers in the man's ears, and touches his mouth with saliva. Looking up to heaven, He sighs and says, “Ephphatha,” meaning “Be opened.” Immediately, the man’s ears are opened, and the ligament of his tongue is loosened, allowing him to speak clearly. Jesus then instructs the crowd not to tell anyone about the miracle. However, the more He insisted, the more widely the news spread. People proclaimed, “He has done all things well; He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
The understanding of disability and illness among the Jewish people at that time was very different from how we understand it today. Illness was often seen as a sign of uncleanliness and a punishment from God, leading to the afflicted being shunned by society. Jesus’ miracles challenge this perception, calling for these individuals to be healed and reintegrated into society. Furthermore, through these miracles, Jesus calls on those around these individuals to show greater compassion and openness to the needs of others. It is no coincidence that this miracle took place in Gentile territory. Jesus is also urging us to be open not only to those with disabilities but also to people of different nationalities.
This week, we are called to reflect on the importance of being open - to accepting everyone, to new experiences, to meeting new people, and to new ideas. Jesus asks us not to cling to old ways of doing things. Rather, as people of faith, we need to be out in the world, making a positive difference. After all, if we don’t who will?
Jonathan Rooney
Religious Education Leader
Class Timetable
Term 3 2024
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6.9.2024 | 1/2 M | Creator God |
13.9.2024 | 1/2 W | Holy Name of Mary |
20.9.2024 | 5/6 L | Peace |
Term 4 2024
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11.10.2024 | 5/6 J | Mary - Rosary |
25.10.2024 | 3/4 C | Love, Kindness, Family Let your light shine |
8.11.2024 | 1/2 B | We are God's hands |