
Welcome to 5/6L!
Indonesian Day
For Indonesian Day we learned about the Rafflesia Flower - the largest flower in the world located in Indonesia! The Grade 5-6 students also did a wonderful job in running games and activities for the school during Lunch and recess such as Lucky Dip, Scavenger Hunt and an Indonesian Quiz.
Immigration Incursion:
Here are some photos from our incursion about Immigration stories.
Resilience Project - Mindfulness
Do you think our lives are too busy? Do you think we stop to take in everything around us often? We learned about the importance of mindfulness during day to day tasks like walking around the school. When we aren’t mindful we may not notice hidden details such as the sounds, sights and smells around us. We went out and captured some of these moments.
RE - Parables:
During Religious Education we are learning about Parables. Our focus this week was on the Wise and Foolish Builder. We learned that it is important to build a strong foundation for ourselves so we are better equipped to deal with challenges. It is also important to not only listen to Jesus’ teachings but take action, just like the wise builder.
Maths - Plan a Party:
In Maths we are learning about Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. This week we are looking at planning a party using catalogues with discounts. We had to calculate the discount price to make sure we stayed under budget for the party.