
Wow! What a busy term we have had in 1/2W. We loved participating in the swimming program, learning new water safety skills and travelling on the bus with our friends.
We also had the opportunity to visit the John Hannah house as a class.
The students engaged with the residents, talked about their favourite things and shared some of their Indonesian learning together.
In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. We practiced folding our paper in halves, quarters and even eighths. We have been working on ensuring that we split each piece of the whole into equal parts.
In Religion, we have been learning about the importance of being stewards of creation. We discussed the creation story from the Bible and created our own ‘Creation Superhero’ looking at the different aspects of creation and how we can raise awareness and care for our world.
We hope everyone enjoyed reading about our learning as much as we have had fun completing it!