Holy Saviour Festival

Friday Casual Dress & Festival Donation Days
Casual Dress Friday’s is an initiative to encourage families, who are able and willing, to donate ‘needed’ items (schedule below).
Please note that if you are unable to donate goods on any of the days, your child/ren are still more than welcome to wear casual clothes.
The festival is on Sunday 10th November, 11am-5pm. Your support is key to a successful, fun filled event.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The most important donation you can make is your time on Festival day so please be sure to give freely then.
Festival Planting Afternoon
On Wednesday 11th September 2.30pm, we are having a festival planting afternoon! Parishioners will come along and work with the children to plant pots and seeds for the festival. Families are welcome to come along and join in the fun too. Parishioners will be planting until 4pm but school dismissal time will still be 3.15pm. Families are welcome to stay back with their children if they want to continue planting.
Holy Saviour Festival Parent Class Reps Needed!
The festival will be holding 4 class stalls this year for each class - JLC (P/1), MLC (2/3/4), SLC-C( 5/6), SLC-KC (5/6).
On the day of the festival, each class will need to have a scheduled timetable between 10am - 6pm with 1 hour time slots.
We require a Parent Class Rep from each class to manage their class timetable and organise helpers for their class's stall. Belinda has created spreadsheets for each parent class rep to use. If you are able to assist please email Belinda.
Holy Saviour Festival - Tickets on Sale NOW!
As always thank you for your support!