Education in Faith

Sunday 25th August
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Gospel - John 6: 60-69
‘Many disciples desert Jesus.’
Sunday's Gospel gives us great hope. In spite of being confused and deserted by his friends, Peter hangs in there with Jesus. He holds on to faith when all the signs show that a hasty retreat may be a better course of action. We all know people who remain faithful in the most extraordinary of circumstances. Some of these we can understand – parents with sick children or spouses with ill partners. It's heroic, but understandable. But sometimes fidelity is heroic and inexplicable: when a foreign-born priest or religious will not abandon an oppressed community; when a person will fight a just cause and be persecuted all the way to the end. These are powerful signs of faithful love at work.
(adapted from a homily by Richard Leonard)
Loving God,
through the bread and wine of the Eucharist you give us a share in the life, death and resurrection of your son, Jesus.
Teach us to have strong faith, so that we will always know that it is Jesus who satisfies our hungers and thirsts.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.