General News

Joke of the Week
A man climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai and gets close enough to talk to God.
Looking up, he asks the Lord, "God, what does a million years mean to you?"
The Lord replies, "A minute."
The man then asks, "And what does a million dollars mean to you?"
The Lord replies, "A penny."
Then he asks, "Can I have a penny?"
The Lord replies, "In a minute."
Father's Day Stall
The SAC will once again be holding a Father's Day Stall on Thursday 29th August. Gifts will be available for Dads and Granddads and all gifts are $7. Payments may be made via CDFpay by Monday 26th August, 5pm.
City of Whitehorse Kiss and Go Zones
Parent Helpers Needed for Lunch Order Pickups
We are seeking some Parent Helpers this term to assist with lunch order pickups.
Please advise if you can assist with Subway or Baker's Delight Lunch order pickups on a Tuesday or Friday Morning.
Both stores are located at the Vermont South shops and all that's required is to collect the orders from the stores and drop them off to the school anytime before lunch (1.30pm).
Thank you to the families who have already agreed to assist. If we have enough families volunteering then a roster can be devised and it will only be a commitment of couple of dates per term.
Please indicate your availability on the Audiri app form or email the office.
Lunch Time Clubs
This term children can participate in the following clubs during half of their lunch breaks:
Monday - Gardening Club with Mrs Congerton
Tuesday - Art Club with Mrs Turner
Wednesday - Fun & Games in the Library with Mrs Corcoran
Thursday - Cross stich Club with Ms. Congerton
Mobile Phones
Just a Reminder to students and parents of our rules and regulations regarding the use of mobile phones and other personal devices. In our Holy Saviour Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement, it states that students will, “give my teacher a written ‘BYOD consent form’ from my parents/guardians before bringing my own devices to school. Otherwise I will leave my equipment at home.” If you have an urgent message to get to your child, this is to be done via the office, even if your child is offsite at an excursion or interschool sport event. If you cannot get through on the phone, an email to always promptly responded to. This is important for the care and safety of all children at Holy Saviour.
Beyond EduCare After School Care
If you are interested in our wonderful after school program run by Beyond EduCare, please refer to the attached enrolment information and CLICK HERE for the enrolment link.
Sun Smart!
As the weather continues to warm up it is timely to revisit ourSunSmart Policy. All students need to wear a hat at school for outside activities and come to school with sunscreen applied on exposed parts of the body. If your child has a skin sensitivity to sunscreen then please send an appropriate sunscreen product.
Follow us on Social Media
Don’t forget, Holy Saviour now has a Facebook page & Twitter! Search for “Holy Saviour Primary School, Vermont South” or “@HolySaviourPS”, then like and share our page to keep up to date with what is happening around the school. We also need people to review our school via the facebook page, so please do this too! The page will be mainly used to promote the school and celebrate achievements of our students. Don’t forget, we are also on Twitter @HolySaviourPSand Instagram “holy_saviour_ps_vs” !