Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

Scotsburn Assemblies

Friday 23 August

Friday 13 September

Whole School Assemblies

Friday 16 August

Friday 20 September

Book WeekMonday 19 - Friday 23 August
Fathers’ Day StallThursday 22 August
Fathers’ Day Afternoon TeaFriday 23 August
School ConcertThursday 29 - Friday 30 August
Scotsburn SwimmingMonday 2 - Friday 6 September
Young Authors’ Workshop 3Thursday 5 September
Celebration of LearningWednesday 18 September
Footy Colour's DayFriday 20 September
Last Day of Term (2:30pm dismissal)Friday 20 September

Prep 100 Days/Olympic Day - Wednesday 7 August

Last Wednesday Scotsburn had an amazing day celebrating our Prep 100 days, along with our Olympic Fun Day. Fraser, Elijah and Gracie had an incredible day being our 100 day champions - we are all so proud of you! In the afternoon, the whole campus enjoyed some Olympic themed games and craft, with all students receiving medals for their positive participation. A fun day was had by all!

Scotsburn Bunjil Award Winners

Congratulations to last week’s Scotsburn Bunjil Award winners. You are all superstars!



Wil B




Principal for a Day Competition

Congratulations to Amity, Florence and Jimmy for their participation in the recent Principal for a Day competition with Mr Conlan. Due to all the applications being to such a high standard, winners were drawn out of a hat and although they were not selected, all three submitted great applications. Well done for having a go! We also had some students apply to spend a day with Mr Morgan which was great. All students who applied will have the opportunity to do some Scotsburn Principal jobs with Mr Morgan in the coming weeks.

Whole School Assembly this Friday

This Friday (16 August) is a whole school assembly in the gym at 9:00am. We will start the day at the Buninyong campus, meeting in the courtyard at 8:45am. As is our usual routine, we will then bus back to Scotsburn after recess, finishing the day there with normal end of day Scotsburn pick up arrangements. We would love to see lots of Scotsburn parents at the assembly if you can make it!

Book Week Schedule - Next Week

Book Week is next week! As mentioned previously in the whole school newsletter, students will not require a Book Week costume for this week. Instead, we will be running lots of other fun events during the week to celebrate Book Week. 


One of the activities we will be holding is a free second hand ‘book grab’ where students can come along and choose a book that has been donated by the school library or families. This will be held on Friday. If your family has any books you would like to donate, please bring them into school. Thank you to the families who have already dropped off some wonderful books to be loved by someone else.


Another item on our book week agenda is a magic show at lunchtime. If your child has any special magic tricks or illusion show performances that they would like to share, please encourage them to get out their wand, cards or hats and start practising! All students are welcome to attend the magic show that will be taking place on Monday, next week.

We also have a fun range of Book Week activities that will be taking place during Lunchtime Club. 

Young Authors Program - Thank you

A massive thank you for everyone being so flexible last Thursday, relocating to the Buninyong campus for the Young Authors Program to use Scotsburn. The feedback from schools and students who visited the campus was incredibly positive, saying how beautiful our little school was. Thank you everyone!


Buninyong Community Playgroup Visit

Last Friday the Scotsburn campus welcomed the second visit from the Buninyong Community Playgroup. We have absolutely loved seeing the playgroup families enjoy our beautiful campus, and they have been very much enjoying their time. We look forward to them visiting us again next month. Thanks again to Kylie Smith for providing the yummy morning tea!


Fathers’ Day Afternoon Tea

Next Friday, at Scotsburn we will be holding a Fathers’ Day afternoon tea, celebrating all the special father figures in our lives. We would love all of our Scotsburn fathers and special friends to come along to the Scotsburn campus on Friday 23 August at 2:30pm, for a big afternoon tea and celebration. This will then lead into a Scotsburn assembly at 3:00pm in the shed. We hope to see everyone there!

Concert Information

With the Buninyong School Concert approaching fast, we have some more updates to provide. Please have a good read below, and as always, if you have any questions, please come in and see us.


Parent assistance with Props and Costumes:

A big thank you to everyone who popped in on Monday afternoon with Liz to help with the prop-making workshop. The giant brain is certainly taking shape. We have now planned to open the shed on Friday afternoon from 2:00pm for some more paper mache help as well as other prop assistance. Feel free to pop in and help out!



Thank you also to everyone who has brought in their t-shirts, read for us to decorate. As a reminder, we are asking for the following:

All SC1 students - a plain white t-shirt (bring into school ASAP)

Albus, Isla, Will S, Matt, Lachy, Amity, Seth, Anastasia - a plain white t-shirt and a plain black t-shirt (bring into school ASAP), black school pants and black shoes.

Darragh, Flynn, Savannah, Rhylee, Lincoln - we will be sourcing a “uniform” for them. We are asking them to please provide long grey socks, and black school shoes. We can source shoes if you don’t have any - please let us know.

Zoe - we have a “uniform” for Zoe. We would love Zoe to have some red dress shoes - we can help with this if needed!


Tour of Founder's Hall Theatre:

A reminder that if you have a child who you think would benefit from going on a tour of the concert venue, you are very welcome to join us for a tour today (Tuesday) at 4:00pm. Please meet in the foyer of the Founder's Hall Theatre at Federation University.


Further instructions for performance days:

Wednesday 28 August: (Day time Full Dress Rehearsal)

• Students will need to wear their school uniform to school.

• Students will be bussed from school to Founders Hall.

• Your child will need to be at school by 9:00am.

• Students will be bussed back to school in time for regular pick up.


Thursday 29 August: (Day time Performance)

• Students will need to wear their school uniform to school.

• Students will be bussed from school to Founders Hall. Your child will need to be at

school by 9:00am.

• Students will be bussed back to school at approximately 3:00pm for regular pick up.

• Students bring a water bottle and their usual snack and lunch on this day.


Thursday 29 August and Friday 30 August (Evening performances)

• All students need to be dropped off at Founders Hall at 5:30pm. Please watch the

school newsletter for further details regarding drop off and pick up details.

• Videoing of the performance will take place on the last night (Friday)

• Students will need to arrive dressed in their class performance costume.

• Students will also be required to bring a water bottle and small snack.


Volunteer Roster:

We still have a couple of spaces left for backstage assistance. If you can help out, please click on the link: Scotsburn Concert Backstage Volunteer Roster

Parent Survey

Just a reminder that parents and carers have received an invitation to participate in a Parent/Guardian Survey via Compass.  We would really appreciate you spending the time to complete that survey, as we so very much value your feedback to continue making Scotsburn the best place that it can be! 



The survey can be accessed here

All parents / caregivers / guardians at your school use the same six-digit PIN to access the survey.


Our school's generic PIN for the SCOTSBURN CAMPUS is: 252303

*Please note, there is a separate PIN for the Buninyong Campus. Buninyong families have received a different Compass notification

SC1 Learning Snapshot

Wow - what a week of fun and super learning! Last Wednesday we celebrated our Preps 100 Days of Learning as well as our whole campus special Scotsburn Olympic Day. To say we had fun was an understatement, and we have so many super cute photos that we look forward to sharing with you later in the term. I hope all the kids came home and were able to share with you some of the fun activities they participated in that day. 


Our spelling focus this week is the /oo/ sound as in ‘m/oo/n’ with spellings <oo, ew, ue, u-e, o>. Some examples are words such as rude, moon, grew, blue and hoop. Super tricky but the super spellers in SC1 are ready for the challenge. 


In Maths, we have been learning about time - o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Students have been matching the analogue clock to the digital times. At home, remember to ask your child what time they think it might be and discuss times that are important, such as bed time, dinner time and time for school. All these foundational skills are important when exposing children to time. 


A huge thank you to everyone that has been able to assist with concert props. We are certainly lucky to have all the help and support we have received. Just a reminder that all SC1 students need a plain white t-shirt to be handed in at school that can be decorated ready for our concert item. Please let us know if you need help seeking this item.



Ana and Hayley. 

SC2 Learning Snapshot

Another massive week of learning and excitement has again been had in SC2. It was fantastic to put the finishing touches on our Natural Disasters Information Report posters; they have come up amazing. Students have been so proud to show them off. We are now beginning to plan our natural disaster narrative, which will eventually link with the information reports to create a hybrid narrative. Students are all very excited to create these!


In Maths this week we are continuing to look at collecting and representing data. On Monday we all had a go at creating a pie chart with our data, calculating angles and using protractors. This task was tricky and required some resilience, however everyone did amazing!


Concert practice is coming along so well, and we can’t wait to show it off. Thanks to all parents who have popped in to help already or are planning to pop in - we really appreciate it!


As always, if you have any questions about anything coming up, please pop in and see us.

Have another great week,


Jarrod and Liz

Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.


We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mrs Inglis: 

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team