Being Well at Magill

Youth Voice News

Green Adelaide is supporting an inaugural Youth Voice initiative this year and Magill School students were invited to contribute their thoughts on the status of our local environment, their concerns, ideas to improve it and their hopes for the future. 


A range of South Australian community members were asked to share their opinions about the environment, however only a small selection were chosen for the final presentation. All seven of our Magill students’ responses were selected to be featured! 


The video was launched a few months ago at an event with Dr Jane Goodall, the world-famous primatologist and champion for nature, the environment and humanity. What an honour for the children to have their opinions heard by an environmental champion, amongst other leaders in the community.  We are very proud of their efforts and hope you enjoy viewing this important presentation.




Schona Murray


R-2 Science Teacher and Sustainability Action Team Member

To view this insightful video, please follow the link. 

*Please note, this video is not currently available for public distribution and is only to be shared amongst the Magill School community.


Youth Voices

Password: koala



To see/hear more about what happened during Jane Goodall’s visit, please check out these news bites:


Sports Day Chants



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