Pick Up / Drop Off Safety 

Before and after school are extremely busy times with hundreds of children and families coming and going in a short period of time. We ask that everyone do the right thing to make sure that everyone remains safe during these peak time. 


Please be reminded of the following:

Duty Teachers and Monitors

When teachers and students are on duty, they are in control of pedestrian and traffic movement. Please make sure you follow their instructions. Their only priority is to make sure that everyone is safe so please be kind and respectful. 

Pick up / drop off zones

These zones on Adelaide St and Magill Rd operate before and after school at various times. During these times, drivers must remain in vehicles and wait no longer than 2 minutes. The purpose of these zones is to allow the quick movement of children in and out of vehicles to avoid traffic congestion. Drivers cannot wait longer than 2 minutes or leave their vehicle to walk their child to school. 


Speed Limit Restrictions

Adelaide Street is a 25km zone from the sign at the beginning of the road, as you turn in off Penfold Road, all the way through until you pass our pick up/drop off zone. It is extremely important to remember to watch your speed along Adelaide Street to ensure safe arrival and departure for all students and families.

Pedestrian safety

Unfortunately, we are seeing an increased number of parents crossing the road without using the crossings around the school. This is extremely dangerous and may encourage students to do the same when they are not supervised by an adult. We ask that all adults use the many safe crossing points around the school. 

Safe Parking

For the safety of students, parents are not permitted to park in staff carparks. This includes the admin carpark (Adelaide Street), OSHC car park (Magill Road), Penfold carpark (Penfold Street) and Dental carpark (Park Street). Parents are not to park in these carparks when picking up students from after school activities eg dance classes, sports practice and OSHC. 


The Burnside Council patrols the school zone regularly and will issue fines. 


Patience is the key. Be kind, courteous and respectful of our neighbours.