Community News

Dear All,
I hope this email finds you well!
At Kurruru we’re embarking on a journey of important community consultation, and as a first step we’ve developed the following survey that we’re asking people such as yourself to take a few minutes (over a coffee perhaps) to fill in, and if you could also please share far and wide, to reach as many First Nations communities, Elders, young people, and allies as possible. We’re hoping to hear from many voices, to gain genuine insight into what you would like to see on offer at Kurruru, what you feel are the most important elements for cultural connections, identity and learning for young people, what we can do better, and what we’re doing well.
We thank you so much for your time filling in and sharing this survey with your networks and communities, and really appreciate your time and feedback!!
Please find the link to take you directly to the survey here:
Or you can scan the QR code on the flyer above.