Canteen News!

Footy Finals Fever Hits Town!!
Footy Finals Meal Deal $7.00
Order form sent home 9/09. This meal deal is NOT available online - only via paper order form & cash sent to the office by 13/09
Meat Pie & Sauce, Chocolate Muffin & Juice Box
Hotdog & Sauce, Chocolate Muffin & Juice Box
All orders will go into a draw to win a footy.
Normal canteen menu also available
Here is our online canteen ordering website. Our canteen day is TUESDAY.
Please click on the link above and follow the prompts. You will need to register your child, then order & pay by Monday 10pm
You can also send your orders on Tuesday morning via your child's classroom. Please place your order in a brown paper bag with your child's name, grade, order total and amount enclosed. 10c for brown paper bag if one is not supplied.
Click on the link above to download and print your own copy of the canteen pricelist.