Camps, excursions and activities. 

John Monash Science School

Regional Exchange Program


Back in July Yr10 student Nicki applied for the three week Regional Exchange Program that John Monash Science School (JMSS) runs. What an opportunity! 


While there Nicki worked on a group experimental design project. Nicki and her group work with Native Bush plants. As part of the program while there the students had to present their finding in a zoom meeting back to their schools


Extended Experiment Design


Here is an exert of their experiment. The investigation set out to determine the effect of various Native Australian plants (including Bidgee Widgee) used as traditional medicines by First Nations Australians on the growth of Escherichia coli (E.Coli) and Staphylococcus Epidermidis (S. Epi). Bidgee Widgee is traditionally used by the Indigenous people, being boiled into a tonic and drunk cold. It is said to be effective against kidney troubles, colds and has even been used to wash open wounds. Before experimentation began, it was hypothesised that if the plant applied is Bidgee Widgee then the bacterial growth 24 hours after treatment will be decreased. 


Nicki’s Experience


My experience at JMSS is unforgettable. Throughout my journey there, I was able to learn and understand so many things I never even thought of before. I got to meet incredible young people my age who were just as passionate about science as I am. I also got to experience what it is like to live with a family that is not my own and be far away from home for 3 weeks all by myself. The school is very nice and the people were friendly and welcoming. After a few days there, I got to know some other exchange students. With our similar interests, we got along well and quickly became good friends. We learnt many interesting science things (my favourite being biotechnology) and got to experience the different learning techniques of the classes in a city school compared to the ones at our rural schools. 


Overall, I think applying to join this program is the best thing I have ever done. I learned valuable lessons and made unforgettable memories. It is a great opportunity and an experience worth having.


Well done Nicki on taking the opportunity and stepping outside your comfort zone.





Five of our students attended this careers/pathways expo on Thursday August 8 in Horsham. Jasmine Anderson, Darnell Clapham, Nulla Clapham Zachariah Clapham and Ethan Clapham participated in a range of activities including carpentry, bricklaying, nail care and First Aid, as well as receiving information about TAFE and University courses, Indigenous support programs, police, ambulance and forestry career paths.


This event was very well attended by students from many Wimmera schools and I was impressed by the positive attitude shown by our students.


Geoff Rigby


EBT Fundraising update

It is with GREAT THANKS we have many donations in kind and support for purchasing the new race bike for November. We have 4 Sliver Sponsors: HARBERGER EQUIPMENT, BENDIGO BANK, SHEAR DELIGHTS BAKERY AND CORACK AGRICULTURE. We send our greatest appreciation to them and if our community can support their businesses in any way, we would appreciate this! 

There has also been steady progress made with the DHS EBT Trike Fundraising activities with smaller amounts and in-kind contributions. As a result, there is a buzz of excitement because the new trike is now in production! Our deposit has been sent and Jason Nottle at Trump Trikes SA is currently on the job making our new race trike. 

Team trials and training sessions will commence for riders. Letters have been sent home with interested students for parent/guardian permission. Good luck to all in the selection process for riders! The very important, Pit Crew, will be determined at a date closer to the EBT race festival. Anyone wishing to contribute to the EBT efforts is warmly welcomed to contact Mrs Medlyn or Mr Poole at Donald High School.