Principal's Message

Book Week
A Heartfelt Thank You to Mrs Temple
We are incredibly grateful to Mrs Verity Temple, our wonderful librarian, for putting together an outstanding Book Week parade and activities. From the inspiring visit by author and illustrator Serena Geddes to the engaging writing competition, every event was meticulously planned and executed.
The book parade was a highlight, with many characters coming to life. Thank you to all the parents for your efforts in preparing and organising costumes for your children—it was a wonderful parade.
We thank Mrs Temple for making Book Week such a memorable and enriching experience for everyone.
Father’s Day Celebrations
To all dads, grandfathers, uncles and other father figures...
We hope you have a wonderful day on Sunday 1st September. We hope you are spoilt for the day and thank you for being great role models for your children. We also remember those families who will not see their dads and keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
"God took the strength of a mountain, the majesty of a tree, the warmth of a summer sun, the calm of a quiet sea, the generous soul of nature, the comforting arm of night, the wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle’s flight, the joy of a morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed, the patience of eternity, the depth of a family need, then God combined these qualities, when there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, and so, He called it … Dad."
Author Unknown
In week 4 a group of Stage 3 students represented St Anthony's in the Inter-School Debating competition. These students have demonstrated an immense amount of school pride by participating in this extracurricular activity. They worked on researching and preparing their debates at home improving by working collaboratively and graciously accepting feedback.
The debate topic: Winning is not as important as participating.
I would like to congratulate the students for their efforts:
Year 6 - Henry W, Isabella H, Tanea P, Sophia W, Gregory M, Tilly W
Year 5 - Morgan K, Samuel T, Luke O, Lila B, Leila F, Charlotte I
Stage 3 Camp to Canberra
We extend our deepest gratitude to our dedicated teachers, Marie Iorfino, Brid Claffey, and Michelle Beyers, as well as our wonderful parent volunteer, Hamish Frazer, for their invaluable support during our Camp to Canberra. Their enthusiasm, energy, care, and positivity ensured that our students were in the best possible hands throughout the camp. Thank you for making this experience memorable and enriching for everyone involved!
The NED Show
Our students were treated to the amazing NED Show. The NED Show is a character education program that focuses around:
N - Never Give Up
E - Encourage others
D - Do your best
It was an entertaining performance filled with yoyo tricks, humour and story telling that empowered our students to believe that 'There's a champion in every child.'
2024 Staff Development Days (Pupil Free Days)
Each year, Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) provides time for Staff Development Days (SDD) so that staff can work collaboratively and continue to provide high-quality learning opportunities for your child. With the introduction of the new English and Mathematics Syllabus’ in 2023 (K-2) and 2024 (Yr 3-6), as well as the implementation of other new syllabi within the next two years.
We have 2 remainingStaff Development Days this year:
- Friday 27 September (Term 3, Week 10) and
- Thursday 19 December (Term 4, Week 10)
SCECS will be offering care on the upcoming Staff Development Days.
Additionally, Vacation Care will also be available.
National Child Protection Week 2024
Did you know that National Child Protection Week is the first week of September, and launches Safeguarding Month? This year National Child Protection Week is from 1-7 September. The theme for this year will continue to embrace the overarching message that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ with a focus on shining a light on children growing up safe and supported.
At St Anthony's we ensure the safety and nurturing of all children through our curriculum, policies and practices.
The Right to Disconnect
As many of you will have seen in the media, new right-to-disconnect provisions are now in place for many employees in Australia, including SCS staff. Employees have the right to refuse to monitor, read or respond to contact, or attempted contact from their employer or a third party related to their work (i.e. a parent or student) outside of working hours unless the refusal is unreasonable.
We understand that parents and students may send emails outside of hours. School staff are not required to respond to out of hours emails or calls. We also remind parents to be conscious that most staff are on class, or on supervision duties during the day, and accordingly, there may be a delay in responding to emails or calls, as our first priority has to be our duty of care to the students in front of us. The best way to contact the school is always to email our or to call the school office on 96657399 for any urgent matter.
Week 4 Assembly - Congratulations to the award recipients!
Yours in Partnership
Anna Novak